Chapter 18: Tentative Plans

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Kane and Donnovan materialized back at West Base in Donnovan’s room.

Kane glanced around the room and jumped back when Donnovan’s cat, Mya, stretched on the desk. “What is that?” He looked over at Donnovan. “Is it supposed to be here?”

“It is actually a she. It’s my cat, Mya.”

Kane peered at the glass cat. “Doesn’t look like a cat to me. I mean, apart from the shape. It’s glass…”

“So?” Donnovan folded his arms and smirked at Kane.

“So it’s a glass cat.” Kane waved at it. “How is that even possible?”

“It’s enchanted. My grandmother made it for me just before we came here. She said Mya would help if I got homesick.” Donnovan laughed and ran his finger over Mya’s head.

She purred and rubbed against his hand as she strutted across the desk towards Kane. “And did she?” Kane asked, turning to admiring the cat’s sleek form.

Donnovan nodded. “Yeah, she did. She was the one I talked to when things seemed bleakest.”

“You didn’t talk to your mom?”

He shrugged. “I did, but she’d just tell me that we were in a good place now and I had no reason to miss the saddened state we came from.” Donnovan looked away. “No one wanted us there because of what my dad did.”

“Your dad?”

Donnovan cleared his throat. “Yes, well… We ought to get ready for the trip.”

Kane crossed his arms. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Don’t press, Kane. It’s not of your concern. I just have a matter of personal nature to think about.”

“Is it going to keep you from focusing completely on our mission?”

“Not at all.”

“Then keep it to yourself if you insist.” Kane looked back down at Mya and hesitantly put his hand out to pet her.

She pressed her head into his palm, continuing to make purring noises.

“She likes you.” Donnovan murmured, watching the two.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because if she didn’t, she’d still be acting as a paperweight.”

“A paperweight?” Kane frowned.

“Her second function. Most of the time she prefers that when others are around.” Donnovan shrugged. “Don’t ask me why.”

“You know, we need to get packing for this mission of yours. Where are we going, anyway? And what are we getting?”

“An alternate dimension. And it’s not what we’re getting. It’s who we’re going to see.” Donnovan mumbled.

“You don’t seem happy about seeing this person.” Kane mused.

“We have a… history.” Donnovan fiddled with his mother’s pendant.

“That doesn’t sound good. Will your history jeopardize our mission?”

“No.” Donnovan snapped, turning away.

“Just asking a question! No need to be upset.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He sighed. “It won’t jeopardize the mission, Kane.”

“If you’re sure.” Kane walked to the door. “I’m going to go outfit myself. What do I need to prepare for?”

“Swamps, forests, and mountains.” Donnovan answered, gazing at the grey wall without really seeing anything. He was far away, remembering his confrontation with his father when they had finally escaped the enemy. It hadn’t gone well.

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