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Then ... light.

White room. No one else but me.

My whole body was aching and burning. Sweating all over. I was shaking uncontrollably, and God, my head hurt. A pounding migraine but worse. Only a few things I could remember.

I was laying on a cot, wearing a white hospital gown. There was a wrapping of bandages on my left arm, little blood searing through. I couldn't see it, but I felt a bandage slightly above my right eyebrow.

The door to the room opened, and some sort of person-like creature came in. It looked like a human but had different features. The face was not as welcoming but seemed friendly. His eyes were smaller, his mouth seemed like a single line. His nose was abnormal, it wasn't sticking out of his face like a human, there were just two holes on his face.

I was not on Earth.

"State your name", he said. His voice boomed through the room.

"My name ...  Raylene", I remember my name.

"Your full name", he said louder, irritated.

"R-Raylene Aida Carter". My voice was starting to shake, but I wasn't going to show him fear.

"State your age"


"Do you know why you are here, Raylene?"

My head kept pounding.

"No sir".

"Do try to remember", he was getting more irritated.

This dude was gonna make my head explode.

"I-I-I ... can't ..", I started to tear up, but I kept my head straight.

"Do you remember anything at all?" he said, raising his voice.

I tried to think but my head was pounding, like knives were going through my skull. Wait! Knives.

"I ... remember there were knives ... and ...",  Ughhh it hurt,  " .... injections", I said weakly.

The dude nodded.

"That is good for now", he said and left the room, closing the door with a loud bang.

I kept crying. I cried and shouted.

"Why am I here?! Why did you bring me here!?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!!!"

I kept crying and crying until I was out of breath.

My attention was brought back to my bandages on my arm. A few tears fell on the wrappings. Carefully but cautiously, I removed the wraps and smelled my blood more and more as I removed them. Once it was all off, I noticed a long scar from my wrist to my elbow, right where my veins would be. Stitches all along holding my skin together, and keeping it from falling off.

I gasped, tears dripping down my cheeks.

The skin around was reddened, and blood was on the scar. Blood. But this blood is blue? How? I felt a great ache in my stomach. I quickly leaned over and threw up on the floor, before I passed out.


The same person came into my room every day and asked more questions. He never told me his name but I always referred to him as dude. The more he asked the more I remembered, but the more impatient I became. I wanted to know what happened to me. But I kept remembering things. Blood, yelling, darkness, falling. And my dad. I don't remember much of him but I knew he had something to do with all this.

It was little information, but it was a lot to me.

The only other "person" that  would come to my room was a "woman", two times a day she would come with water and soup.

On the sixth day I was there, I asked the dude where I was.

"You are in Xandar, 2.5 million light years away from Earth", he responded.

2.5 million light years.

"If I'm that far away from Earth, how did I get here? Wouldn't I be dead?", I asked.

"You really want to know what happened to you?", he asked.

"Yes please", I said as I said straight up.

"Alright. But I am only telling the story once, so best pay attention", he said as I leaned forward, eager to know my past.

"Your father, back on Earth, was a scientist, but he was a mad scientist. He would go crazy on his work, and began getting the most extraordinary ideas ever. But he went too far and got kicked out of the lab and his license was taken from him. But that did not stop him from doing what he loved best. He decided to do an experiment on his 10 year old daughter, you," he said pointing to me.

"But it did not go as he planned," he continued. "He wanted to see how much DNA and genes you had from him and how many you had from your mother. Sadly, your mother had died when she was giving birth to you so you've never met her.

"Your father made an incision right here", he said pointing to my patch on my head. "He thought it was the best place to get your blood, like I said, he was mad. He drew your blood out, and started doing tests on it. After a few hours, he found out you didn't have any of his DNA nor genes. You weren't his daughter at all. He got even madder that his wife had cheated and lied to him all his life. Even though his wife was dead, he had to take it out on someone. He blamed it all on you. He wanted you out of his sight, but really, he wanted you out of his planet. He spent five years working on a ship to send you someplace else. He put the coordinates in for Xandar, tranquilized you, and threw you in the ship when you were just 15. Your arrival did not take more than a few hours. You were found here one week ago, by our police task force. We decided to take you, but we did also use you. We injected many serums into your bloodstream".

That made sense for the cut on my arm.

I remember now.

I remember my father, and his lab. I remember him yelling something to me, and said he blamed me, I didn't know what or why. I do not recall him tranquilizing me but I remember people strapping me down to a table as I was yelling and trying to get out. I thought they kidnapped me. As they cut my arm I passed out and only saw darkness, I felt like I was falling to nothing. Little did I know I was in Xandar.

"Each serum has given you momentum, speed, flexibility, and strength. But these gifts aren't as grand as you think they are. You have the strength of Gods, but not the power of them. You need to understand that these powers can bring you fame and gratitude, or death".

I have powers that could get me killed.

"We gave you a home as much as we gave you gifts, but you need to make the right choice and be sure to use those gifts wisley".

"Do you understand my child?"

I had powers. I have as much strength as a God. I can get killed for them. My mother is dead and my father hates me. I am 2.5 million light years away from home.

I am Raylene, I am fifteen years old.

"Yes, I understand."

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