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It's been 9 years since I've remembered my past. I am now 24 years of age and living in Xandar.

The people of Xandar have agreed to me living on their planet, as long as I use my powers wisely. Which I do.

I have learned the history and language of Xandar. It was a requirement for me since I was allowed to live there. The people have welcomed me. Many have thought that I was strange and an outsider, but they've grown to respect me after I saved the city from incomers.

Every day I have training. I've become to understand my powers more and more since the day I've become a citizen.

My strength is just as it was described. I have the strength of gods. I could lift a bus if I wanted to and more.

My speed is incredible. I not only can run fast as a cheetah but I can dodge things quickly, such as a bullet or punch.

My flexibility helps with my speed. I can dodge 15 bullets, thanks to my bendable body.

The only weakness I have is electric shocks. One zap and I'm out for a whole day. It has happened to me before, and it is not fun.

I do not have a weapon of choice but I do keep two daggers on the side of my boots. One is a simple dagger and the other expands as long as a sword, but I also keep a handgun on my belt, just in case. I can fight with any weapon but I chose those, for it's simple and faster for me to use. If not I use my fist and my feet.

I have learned that my blood is blue. From all the serums injected into my bloodstream, it made my blood change color. Which makes me feel as an outcast because I am the only human alive with blue blood. But I hide it very well. From the help of my powers, I almost never bleed.

I could not cover my scar on my right eyebrow, but I always cover the long scar on my arm. I was ashamed of it when I was younger, made me feel more of an outcast, so I had cut a sleeve from a shirt and used it as coverage. I've kept it that way ever since, and I promised myself that I will never let anyone set eyes on it other than mine.

I was walking down the hall to my mentors clinic. My mentor was the dude that told me my past, which I soon learned his name was Gordon.

I knocked on the double doors and heard his voice boom "Enter"

I opened the doors and waited for his permission for me to actually enter the room.

"Ah Rey come on in," he said motioning his hand for me to enter.

Gordon was a dear friend of mine and I let my friends call me Rey. He looked different from the first time I met him. He had gray hair instead of dark brown and he had more wrinkles than before. I always thought of him as a father to me.

His clinic was one of my favorite places in Xandar. When you enter you immediately notice the window for a wall, overlooking the city. There was a counter on the left wall filled with tubes and chemicals and on the right, 3 bookshelves filled with literature and Xandor history.

"You look amazing" he said as I walked into the room

"Thank you for noticing," I said as I smiled.

I was wearing my usual. Black knee high boots, comfortable enough to run in, my black armor pants, and a fitted dark grey tank top. My bronze hair was in a ponytail. And of course, my black sleeve over my scar. 

Gordon was wearing his usual, black pants with boots, a light blue button down with a white lab coat on top. He always wore a red fitted bracelet around his wrists. He told me once that the love of his life had given it to him before he had passed.

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