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I sat there on the ground, chained and weak. I felt my body lighter than ever, as if I had no life left in me. It was almost as if I was lifeless, I could breath but not move. I felt nothing but defeat and weakness. My whole body, from my pounding head to my stiff feet, I was aching all over. Thanos took a lot from me, and he is about to take everything from me.

With no self pity, Thanos was sitting on the same rock as before, still looking up into the sky. That son of a bitch. Enjoying my suffering and pain as he calmly gets lost in the view.

I knew what he was waiting for, let alone who. I did want Loki to come and save me, but for his sake I knew who shouldn't. Thanos would kill him if he did, I couldn't bear to even see that. 

After a few minutes passed, Thanos started getting impatient. And by impatience, he grew angry. He didn't want to wait a second more.

"Oh well, we don't want to waste our time if lover boy isn't coming soon," he said.

His "assistant" reached from the side of his boot and pulled out a taser gun and turned it on. A tiny blue bolt from the end of it appeared. It was tiny, but deadly.

He was about to kill me.

I struggled to get away from him as much as possible, I tried pulling on the chains but it was useless. Not only were they strong enough to hold me back, I was too weak and hurt to even try.

He saw me struggling, so he threw his fist and made direct contact to my cheek. It stung bad.

Thanos made his way over and shushed me quiet. He reached a hand and put it under my chin, raising my face to look at his.

"It's alright, my child" he said, stroking my cheek.

I pulled my face away in disgust.

"I am not ... your child" I spit out.

The "assistant" then threw another punch directly at my stomach, making me gasp out in surprise, with my breath escaping my lungs.

Thanos looked at me for a second, as if  waiting for something. Then looked at the man behind me and nodded. Non hesitant, he brought the stick and pushed it into my waist. The blue electric bolt stung on my waist making me tense with pain as it shot throughout my body. I yelled in defeat, wanting for him to stop. I screamed enough for the gods to help me.

I shivered when he pulled back. I grew pale, all my blood leaving my fragile body.

But the man kept going. He stung me everywhere and each time it hurt just like the last. Painfully and frailty, I had to suffer through each one.

It only reminded me of the time when I was taken in New York, but this time, I was much less stronger. I had no strength left in me.

The man then stopped. I instantly fell back as the chains sustained my arms up. I heavily breathed, hurting each time I did. The chains clanged with each other from my shaking body. Sweat and cold drew all over my fragile body.

The "assistant" wasn't satisfied with his work. He pulled back his leg, and kicked me right on the head with his foot.

Making me bleed, and pass out.

Loki's POV
I ran straight to Thor's room. I needed all the help I could get, and he was the only one who knew of her being. I ran even faster knowing how much danger she was in.

I didn't even bother knocking. I flew straight in.

"What is the matter?" he asked. He knew I would never come to him unless it was very serious.

"Rey has been taken by Thanos, we need to save her?" I said quickly.

"What? How?" he said with worry.

"Well we ... we had a fight and, I left her, Gods I shouldn't have left her! And he took her, just please you have to help me!" I told him.

"You're the only one that knows about her and I need to save her. Thor .. I love her. I cannot think of her in the hands of that evil man. I let her go once, Im not letting her go again" I said.

Thor knew that Loki had loved Rey dearly, and Rey was a good friend of his.

"We must hurry" he said, rushing out of his room.

We both ran out of the palace, to the stables, and made our way to Heimdall.

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