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I just beat 4 guys up. With witnesses. Not to mention I did an awesome job but people were recording the whole thing. Would they recognize me? Would they find out who I was?

I walked to my apartment with the sun setting in front of me. All I could think about was what happened today. I didn't even realize someone was following me.

I was about to beat this guy up too and tell him off, before I felt a wet cloth come over my mouth. I tried not to breath in but I couldn't help it. The smell of burning alcohol. I tried to get this guy off me but I started to feel drowsy and the man was still gripping my body tight to his. Darkness.

Loki's POV
It was a quarter to 7. Almost time for dinner but I just had to see her again. I couldn't stop thinking about the fight. The way she took them out was amazingly impressive, especially for a human. Not only was it the fight but she is also so very beautiful.

Before I went to the dining hall for my supper, I went back to my chambers where there was peace and quiet and made my way to the window. I sat down, later my hands in front of me face up, like before and closed my eyes. But this time, I thought of her.

My trick and mind took me back to NYC, it was dark but I wasn't in the city like before. I was looking in an old beaten warehouse, away from humans. I then saw her, how beautiful she was, until I saw her hands tied to the wall above her head. What is going on?  Where were we? I then saw 3 men making their way towards her. Oh no. She has been taken.

Back to Reys POV
I woke up in a warehouse I did not recognize. My hands were tied to a pole on a wall, tightly with rope. I tried moving my hands to break free from the ropes, but felt the skin on my wrists ready to break. I was not injured yet but I was not sure why I was kidnapped. 3 men then came into view. One was bald and sitting on a chair. The other two were facing me.

"You don't understand how hard we work," he said. I noticed he was fiddling with a knife. I then noticed the taser gun. Oh god.

"What do you want with me?"

"No no no. Question is, what do you want with us?" he said looking at me with a scowl on his face.


"Those four men you beat up today worked for me, and now they're sitting behind bars. Because of you"

Oh I get it. I almost killed his buddies and he wants revenge. GOT IT.

"Well kidnapping people isn't a very nice thing to do" I said referring to myself and the woman from earlier.

"That woman was part of our plan. We needed her to get into SHEILDS high tech information. She was our goal and you ruined it!!" He shouted. I didn't flinch.

"Who do you work for?" He said looking away. His two men came closer to me. I noticed they all had a tattoo of an octopus in a circle on their wrists. Hydra.

"I don't work for anyone," I said.

"You mean to tell me, you took out four men only using your fists and kicks with no weapon as if it were no problem, and you did it for no certain cause?" I only looked at him. I already answered his question.

"I'm gonna ask you again...who do you work for?" He said with his face only inches from mine.

"No. One." I replied with.

He got up slowly not leaving my eyes and got back to his chair.

"You know there's gonna be more scars on the pretty face of yours" he said going back to fiddling with his knife.

Then one of the guys punches me straight across the face.

Oh boy. This'll be a long night.


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