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The past few days were similar to the first. Loki came 4 times a day, once for every meal and one to keep me entertained.

He always brought books, most of them were of Asgard, but then a few were of mythological tales and astronomy, those were my favorite. 

He never missed a meal with me. He always brought delicious food, it was the best I've ever eaten. A few times he would bring fruit or desert to a company.

But even so, I was always excited about Loki's visits. I always got this sensation of feeling safe around him. After knowing he killed the men that kidnapped me, I thought of him as my savior. Not only that but he was a delight to be with. Always joking around about people being so pristine in Asgard and how none focused on having fun like he does with his magic tricks.

I didn't know what it was but whenever he left to go back to his royal life, I missed him. Almost as if I didn't want him to leave, but when he was with me, I felt the happiest I've ever been. It's like I want to be with him at all times. I've never felt this way before.

My injuries were healing daily. The stab on thigh was closing, and forming into yet another scar on my body, at least this one had a well ending story to it. Loki had put in a few stitches to hold it closed, and changed its bandages everyday.

I no longer had black eyes, only a mere bruise under my right eye. My jaw was starting to get better each day and so did my chewing habits. My ribs weren't as sore as before, I could sit up and do better movements but still had to be cautious. And slowly but regularly the bruises and scratches all over were fading away.

I kept getting the nightmares. Not every night but very regularly. I didn't know what they meant. I always felt as if something was coming to kill me, something very very dangerous.


It was early in the morning, the 8th day I've been here. The sunrise in Asgard was always glorious. Loki's room bathed in sunlight, waking me up joyous as ever.

Loki had bought me a few clothes from the kingdom. Nothing special, just a few shirts and pants. I was wearing a large red shirt and no shorts, but made sure the blanket was covering below the waist. The clothes they had here were super comfortable and very pretty. My hair was down and messy.

I did a few stretches and grabbed the book about stars on the nightstand. I read for about an hour when I heard the door open.

"Good morning Rey" said Loki after he closed the door. He walked in with a smile on his face.

"Good morning my prince" I said, bowing my head slightly.

"Please, I already told you, you don't have to refer to me as prince and bow," he said.

"Sure" I said with a smirk. I knew he liked it.

I then noticed he had something behind his back

"Whatcha got there?" I said smiling even bigger.

He smiled back and brought his hand in front. A plate was on his hand with a napkin covering whatever was on it.

"Oh this? Oh I just thought maybe you'd like to have some pastries!" he said excitedly as he removed the napkin from the plate all dramatically as if he was presenting the most amazing thing in the world. Which to me, it was.

Sitting on the plate were two different pastries. I noticed one had a reddish jelly in the middle with yellow custard surrounding it, while the other had an orangish looking filling with the crust on the sides perfectly cooked.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now