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Who made you?" said a deep rasping voice.

I didn't know where I was. I couldn't see anything, it was all black, but there was a loud booming voice that controlled my head.

"Who ... made you?" the voice asked again. Slower but more impatient.

I tried screaming but I couldn't hear myself. I felt my voice coming out of my opened mouth but I heard nothing but the loud voice.

I heard a growl. I was about to die, I just knew it.

"Who made you!" The voice screamed. It kept yelling at me. My head was about to come out of my ears.

I fell to the floor and covered my ears and head with my hands. I started to cry. I'll never see light again. I'm going to die.


I woke up.

Gasping for air, I bolted upright with my heart racing as I felt the tears still dripping down my cheeks.

My breathing became much harder. I began to panic. I almost died. It felt so real.

I cried harder now. I didn't stop, I didn't want to. I laid my head on my knees and kept going.

Loki's POV
It was noon and I was still anxious. Rey has been sleeping for hours and I needed answers.

I went to the library to try and find information about mortals and they're anatomy, but none said anything about blue blood.

What if she was like me? What if she was part frost giant just like me? I don't bleed blue, but it could be a connection. That wouldn't explain the long scar on her arm though.  How did she get that?

It was just last night when I took her to my chambers I lifted her sleeve. It wasn't gruesome but I've ever seen anything like it before. A long line from the veins on her wrists up to the upper arm.  I haven't mentioned it to her but I'm sure I will ask once she has awakened.

After a while I left the library to go to the dining hall. I should bring Rey food. She might still be weak, she should eat something.

They served chicken with mashed potatoes and greens. I grabbed a plate and put twice as much as I usually would get. I told my fellow friends I would be dining in my room while I studied. Thor thought it was odd at first but he let me go.

I quickly walked back to my room trying not to let the plate fall and walked to my chambers. Once I opened the door I quickly closed it and put the plate on my desk.

I looked over and saw Rey. She looked worse than yesterday, not physically but emotionally.

She was curled in a ball against my pillow, holding her legs against her chest. I noticed the tears running down her cheeks before she wiped them off.

"Oh .. hey" she said. Her voice was hoarse.

"What's the matter?" I asked, making my way to the chair next to her.

"Oh. Nothing. It's just ... bad dream" she said, wiping more tears while looking at me.

I gave her a small smile.

She was still wearing her clothes from last night. Her black yoga pants now teared where the stab was at. Now wrapped in bandages with medicine to get it healed. Her sleeveless dark blue shirt was all bloody but still in one piece. There were scratches and bruises all over her arms and face. The gash on her forehead was covered with a bandage but with little blood seeping through. Her gorgeous hair fell in front of her face, still very beautiful.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now