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Why had this day turned into shit? I woke up this morning in a good mood. My hair and makeup looked amazing. I made it to work early. I had a decent night of tips. I even met a couple of hot guys who were not total douchebags. Overall, it had been a pretty good day. So why then, on my way home did I have to run into these assholes?

"Hey there baby, looking good." I hear a male voice say from behind me and I roll my eyes.

Just ignore them.

"What's the matter sweetheart, you think you're too good for us?" Another male voice asks, and I clench my fist so tightly that my fingers were turning white.

Keep walking. Do not hurt them.

I keep my thoughts on repeat as I continue down the street until a man twice my size and built like a brick house steps into my path. His brown eyes looking me up and down hungrily. My stomach churned.

"Wanna join us for a little party?" He asks and I narrow my eyes at him.

"No." I answer my words filled with finality.

"Come on, you don't mean that." He adds as he reaches out to touch me.

I instantly step back out of his reach causing his hand to miss my shoulder and fall to his side.

"I do mean it. Now, move while I'm still asking nicely." I demand making him chuckle at me.

"Or what sweet cheeks? What are you going to do?" He questions moving towards me again and I suddenly realize the guys from before are still there as they stop me from moving back any further.

I feel a hand touch my waist and I instantly slap it away.

"Do not touch me." I state anger filling my words.

"Come on, just play around with us. You'll enjoy it." The man from behind me says and I roll my eyes.

"I seriously doubt that." I retort making his friends laugh at him.

"Let's go baby," The big man says reaching out and grabbing my arms holding it dangerously tight.

"You have three seconds to get your hand off of me." I warn my jaw clenching.

"Or what? What are you gonna do?" He challenges as he jerks me into his chest.

Fuck this shit.

Using just a hint of my super strength I grab the wrist of the hand that was holding my arm and giving it a quick squeeze make him fall to his knees. A cry of pain leaves his lips making his friends come to his rescue. I feel them move behind me and I smirk as I twist just right to send the big dude flying into them. Wiping my hands against each other, I place them on my hips and cock an eyebrow at my attackers.

"I'm going to give you one more chance. Apologize, and then be on your way."

"Why would I apologize to some freak?!" The big guy yells and I narrow my eyes.

"Cause if you don't," I walk closer to them my eyes slowly starting to glow as brightly as the sun. Fear fills their eyes and I do not even need to finish my sentence. My eyes speak for themselves.

"I'm sorry," Big guy instantly yells out as he tries to scramble to his feet. His buddies following suit.

"I'm sorry, what?" I add folding my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." They all yell out and I smile.

"Good, now remember, treat ladies with the respect they deserve, or I'll find you." I warn and their faces pale. "Bye-bye." With a quick wave of my hand, they jump to their feet and race away.

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