Chapter 2 - Getting To Know You

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That day was amazing. Bruce took me all over the city, showed me all the places he enjoyed. The restaurants and food trucks he loved but didn't have the time to enjoy. We talked about everything and nothing at the same time. It was so relaxing and enjoyable to be with him. I had never felt as comfortable.

Being with Bruce felt easy. Like I didn't have to pretend to be someone I wasn't for him. That thought scared me a little bit though. Bruce was normal. I wasn't.

The days passed and I spent as much time with him as I possibly could. He was always a proper gentleman and never forced me to do anything I wasn't ready for. It couldn't have been more perfect. That was, until I learned who Bruce really was. Bruce Wayne the billionaire.

It's not like he had hid it from me, I just had never asked. I had learned one day when we were out on a date at a nice restaurant and a paparazzi tried to take a picture of us together and he instantly covered my face.

"Why did you hide your date?" A reporter questions and his face turns angry as he turns toward them.

"I was born into this life; I am used to the constant publicity. She, however, has a choice."

"So, you're hiding her?" Another, a woman, asks and I can feel the anger radiate off him. I gently grip his arm letting him know I was okay, and he continues.

"I would never hide someone I care so much for. When she is ready to show her face, and only then, will you see her face." Bruce concludes and I feel my heart swell.

He didn't know why I didn't want to be in the papers, but he respected my wishes to keep my identity a secret. With each passing day I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper in love with him. It was scary. Even with my ex, I had never felt like this.

Of course, there were times when he would have to cancel dates at the last minute for business matters, but I understood that. He would always make it up to me by showing up at my apartment with take out or something homemade his butler Alfred had made. There were also nights when I would already be asleep, and he would just slip into bed behind me.

The sex was amazing. Of course, I had to hold myself back a little bit or I could have hurt him. You know, Super strength and all. If I went all out there was no telling how much I could hurt him, and I really didn't want to do that.

One day I was surprised at my job when he came in with Dick, and three other boys. I was even more surprised to learn they were his children. Well, the youngest was his biological son, while the rest were adopted. I admired him for that.

Dick, I knew. I had met him the same day I had met Bruce. So naturally we got along. He would occasionally come eat his lunch at the restaurant and bug me. I didn't mind. It was nice having someone to talk to.

Jason was the second oldest. I could tell from his eyes that he had been through a lot. One night we got to learn a lot about each other as he walked me home from work. He would come over a lot to have dinner and just relax in my apartment.

Tim was a smart cookie. Smarter than anyone gave him credit for. He would always come by when I was working to do his homework and eat some junk food. Mainly the homemade donuts. Tim would talk to me about his troubles and I would give him the best advice I could. It wasn't long till both he and Jason spent more time at my apartment then their own house.

Damian was Bruce's biological son. I didn't know much about his mother, Bruce just told me that she and him had been in love once but couldn't see eye to eye about anything and eventually separated for the better. She hadn't told him about Damian until the boy was a pre-teen. Then they decided it was best for Damian to live with Bruce. Damian was very cautious.

At first, he didn't like me. I could tell that from his body language. There were many times when it felt like he could see through me to the secrets I hid. Thankfully, growing up on Themyscira gave me a vast knowledge of all things so I was able to bond with him on an intellectual level. It was all uphill after that.

Damian became very protective of me after that. Even to the point he would threaten his father that if he hurt me, he would regret it. Damian wasn't an affectionate kid but there would be times when he just needed to be held, and I would be there for him. I couldn't count all the times Bruce would call me asking if Damian was hiding at my apartment.

Batman would occasionally come by to check on me and see if I needed anything and it was nice to see a new side of him. Of course, he would never show up when the boys were there. When I felt lost and needed someone to talk too, he was there for me. I liked this new side of him.

All together my life was looking up. But good things never last.

I was sitting on the couch in my apartment with Jason and Damian watching some random Documentary that Damian had picked out when a knock on my door pulled my attention. I look at the boys to see Jason passed out his head leaning back on the back of the couch and Damian's eyes were glued to the screen. I smile as I stand up and moving to the door open it. A gasp leaves my lips as I see a person from my past.

"Hey mom."

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