Chapter 7 - Forgiveness

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I narrow my eyes at the man across from me letting him know just how angry I was with him. How could he go behind my back and put himself and the boys in danger to prove that I was telling the truth. I understood that Clark would probably believe his best friend better than he would me, but I was still angry.

"I told you to leave it alone." I state as Bruce stares at his computer screen.

"He deserved to know the truth." Bruce replies not looking up at me.

"I told him the truth. He should have believed me then." I retort wishing I could crush his stupid laptop, so he'd look at me. "Bruce..."

"Hmm." He answers his eyes glancing at me.

"If you don't close the laptop, I'm gonna crush it like a soda can." I warn and he lets out a sigh as he closes the laptop. "Now, why didn't you tell me what you were doing, and why are the boys involved?"

"I wanted to prove to Clark that you were telling the truth. He's my friend, and you are my girlfriend, I wanted to help clear up the misunderstanding between both of you."

"And the Boys?"

"Connor would have done something stupid had I not intervened." Bruce says and I nod understanding that he was right. "The rest of them... they love you and want you to be happy."

"I'm still upset with you about this." I say as I cross my legs.

"I know." Bruce replies moving from his seat to kneel in front of me. His hand reaches out to gently grasp mine and I smile softly at him. "Will you talk to Clark? Not for me, or for him, but for you."

"If what you've told me is true, then he and Lois are victims as well. I'll try to talk to him." I pause taking a deep breath.

"Thank you." Bruce smiles softly at me and I look down at our joined hands another problem popping up in my head.

"You said my eyes went black?" I ask confusion filling my eyes.

"That's what Clark said." Bruce confirms as he rubs soothing circles with his thumb on my hands. "Has that ever happened before?"

"No, at least, not that I'm aware of." I pause brow furrowing as I try to remember the day I walked in on his and Lois. It was true I didn't remember what happened after I saw them together but had my eyes really turned black? "I think I need to talk to Diana."

"Why?" Bruce asks.

"Diana has known me since I was a child. If anything like this has ever happened before she would know. Since apparently when it happens, I don't remember it happening."

"I'll let her know you want to talk to her." Bruce offers but I shake my head.

"I need to do it myself. I'll go to the watchtower and talk with both her and Clark. That way I can kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes."

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.

"Will you go with me?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course. Just let me get changed."

"Thank you. For everything Bruce." I say softly as I grip tightly to his hand. This was gonna be tough.


"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Bruce asks as he stands next to me in his Batman suit while I was in my regular civilian clothes.

"No, but I need to do this." I reply before taking a deep breath. "I can do this."

"I'll be here if you need me." He reassures me and I smile.

"I know you will." I say softly as I take a step into the room where Clark was standing at a nearby computer console. I glace at Bruce telling him with my eyes that it was okay if he gave us a few minutes alone. Bruce reluctantly leaves the room and I take a deep breath.

"Clark," I say softly, and I watch as he tenses at the sound of my voice. He slowly turns towards me and I see the pain and regret in his deep blue eyes. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, uh, is here okay?" He asks and I nod. "You're not in your costume?"

"I wanted to do this as me. Not Lady Light." I say and he nods in understanding. "Clark, Bruce told me what you said, and he showed me the evidence. I want to apologize to you, and to Lois."

"You have nothing to apologize for. I do." Clark interjects making my eyes soften. "I'm sorry you had to go through all this. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you needed to run away to feel better. I really am truly sorry for everything (Name)."

I nod slightly not knowing what exactly to say. It's quiet for a few minutes before I break the awkward silence between us.

"How are you?" I ask my heart tightening in my chest.

"I've been surviving." He replies and I offer him a soft smile. "You seem to be happy, are you?"

"I am, and Clark there is something I need to apologize to you for."

"No, there isn't."

"Yes, I do." I argue, "When we were together, I felt like I needed to be someone I wasn't to be with you."

"What do you mean?" he asks motioning for me to take a seat near him which I do.

"To me, you are the epitome of all that is good. I felt like I had to be better, that being myself wasn't enough for me to be with you. I felt like I wasn't good enough. I realize now that I was pushing you away, even though I didn't realize then that I was doing it. You deserve the world Clark. I'm just sorry I can't be the one to give it to you."

"I could tell something was wrong before. Maybe if I had tried a little harder, things would be different."

"Hindsight is twenty-twenty." I reply a chuckle leaving my lips. "I really do hope you'll be happy."

"Are you happy?" Clark asks and I smile softly as I nod.

"I am." I pause as the relief fills Clark's eyes. "Bruce, and the boys; they all take really good care of me."

"I'm happy for you." Clark speaks and I can tell he really means it.

"Now, about Connor..." I start and Clark's body tenses again. "He knows the truth. He knows that Lois was not in charge of her actions. I'd like for you to actually sit down and speak with him."

"I don't know (Name)."

"Clark, Connor needs you. He needs someone besides me who knows what he's going through. He's having a hard time acclimating to normal society. I mean just a few nights ago he almost fractured some rich busybodies' arm because he said something bad about me."

"What'd this guy say?"

"I think Connor said he called me a gold-digging whore, or something like that."

"What was this man's name?" Clark's inquires anger filling his eyes.

"That's not funny." I chastise making his hold his hands up in surrender. "Besides, Bruce already took care of it. Seems like Mr. asshole was an insider trader. He's spending a decent amount of time in prison now."

"It seems I don't have to worry about you anymore." Clark says disappointment in his voice.

"Now you have time to find someone else to worry about." I say offering him hope.

"Will you come back? You know, be a league member again?" Clark asks and I pause.

Did I want to come back? I did miss saving people, and they could definitely use my powers; but there was one thing I needed to do first.

"We'll see, I have to talk to Diana about something first and then figure out what Lex's plan was and then perhaps."

"We'll welcome you with open arms when you do."

"Thank you, Clark."

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