Chapter 4 - The Truth

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Bruce couldn't help the worry that was filling his body. What did she need to talk about? He had texted her back after that but all she said was that it was important. His anxiety was through the roof, and he didn't get anxious. Was it because he truly cared about (Name) and was worried about what would happen?

He stands at her door about to knock when arguing inside sends him into protect mode. Using his spare key, he opens the door up and rushes inside to see Connor and (Name) arguing. His brow furrowed as he caught the end of their argument.

"What do you mean you know?!" Connor inquires angrily.

"Exactly what I said." She pauses for a moment before pain fills her eyes. "Connor, why do you think I left?"

"You mean you've known she did it all these years and you never tried to confront her?"

"What good would that do?" (Name) argues placing her hands on her hips.

"Clark deserves to know that he's dating a liar." Connor retorts and (Name) shakes her head.

"He knows." Is all she says before she finally notices Bruce.

"I'm sorry for interrupting." Bruce says pulling Connor's attention to him.

"It's fine. Connor, can you give Bruce and I a few minutes please." (Name) asks her eyes avoiding Bruce's.

"But mom?!" Connor argues.

"Please, we'll talk about this later. I promise, I will explain everything then. Okay?" She offers and he nods.

"I'll be outside." Conner says glaring at Bruce as he walks past him and out the front door.

Once the two of them are alone, Bruce turns back toward her to see a pained expression on her face. Something was wrong.

"You okay?" He asks and she shakes her head.

"No, I'm not." She replies and he goes to hold her, but she holds her hand out to stop him. "Please, don't."

All it takes is for her eyes to meet his and he knows she knows.

"Bruce, if you have been keeping anything from me, I need you to tell me now." She pleads and his heart clenches.

"I have been keeping something from you." He replies and her brow furrows. "Since Connor is here, I take it you already know." She nods.

"I do, but I want to hear it from you." She replies wrapping her arms around her waist.

"I'm Batman." He states and he watches as tears threaten her eyes. "First, I want to say that day we met at your work and I asked you out. I didn't know you were Lady Light. I just saw a beautiful warm woman and I wanted to get to know her more."

"But you came to see me that night."

"I wanted to make sure the girl I met in that restaurant got home safe." He pauses a smirk filling his lips. "But you don't need me to keep you safe." He adds and she smirks.

"Damn straight I don't."

"When I found out you were Lady Light, I thought it would be for the best if we didn't see each other again. You wanted no part of the league life and I respected that."


"But when I saw you that day sitting at the fountain, I knew I couldn't walk away. I wanted to get to know you as Bruce. I wanted to be with you as Bruce."

"Were you ever planning on telling me that you were Batman?" She asks and he takes a cautious step toward her.

"Yes." He answers honestly and her body relaxes. "I should have told you sooner. You deserve complete honesty."

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