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The day of the class meeting had arrived. Jeno had chosen a well-known bar and Mark and Mina used to go together a few times. Speaking of them, Mark was already in front of this bar waiting for Mina, who was a little late. He was already used to his friend's delays, as she was always very busy with some of her work. A while later, Mark saw his friend getting out of the taxi, putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

- How late am I?

- 15 minutes, you are managing to be less late. Congratulations.

- My plans were to come directly from school to here, but when I looked in the mirror, I got scared.

Mark ended up laughing imagining the situation.

- I understand you, but I think you ended up hurrying a little. There's a little bit of lipstick on your tooth. - Mark said while fixing her hair, while she took the lipstick off her tooth.

- Thanks. Come on. - Mina took a deep breath and walked side by side with her friend.

As soon as they entered that bar, they spotted the table with some of their high school classmates, including Jeno, who waved happily at them.

- Finally you arrived!

- If it weren't for Mina, we'd be here before. - Mark said, receiving a slap on the arm given by Mina

- You know I was working and I couldn't get in the situation I was in. Sorry for the delay.

- You haven't changed at all. - Jeno said, laughing at them both. - Don't worry, you are not the most backward. Remember Yeeun?

- Of course, she studied at our school! How are you? - Mina asked really excited to meet Yeeun again.

- I'm very well. It's been a long time since I saw you, Mina.

- I think the last time we met was in high school. - Mina then looked at Yeeun's hands, which were intertwined with Jeno's, then looked away at Mark, as if she wanted him to explain what was going on. She recalls that Jeno has always been in love with Yeeun, but he never managed to confess, but, it seemed, things had changed.

- Yes, Yeeun and I are dating. - Jeno said, drawing a smile from Yeeun and Mina, who had really been happy for both of them.

- Mark never told me about it, but congratulations to you! I remember that Jeno was all in love with you at school, but he was too ashamed to confess.

- Truth. He always ran when he tried to talk to you. - Mark added.

- That's why I had to confess to him. It took about 2 years, but it finally happened. - Yeeun said. - And you two...

- Good evening everyone. Apologies for the delay. - They were interrupted by a voice that Mina always wanted to forget. Mark and Mina turned and saw Eunjin. He hadn't changed much. For Mark, he remained the same arrogant as ever. - Good night, Mina. - Eunjin said, analyzing Mina from head to toe, causing a goosebumps (not very good) in the woman. - I haven't seen you in a long time.

- Good night, Eunjin.- Mark said, placing his hand on Mina's shoulder, as if to say that he would be there beside her and that he would not let Eunjin do anything bad to her.

After everyone had sat down, the memories of the school started. The memories of that time were the best possible, but Mina was still very uncomfortable. Eunjin continued to look at her. He couldn't deny that Mina had gotten much more attractive than he had in high school. "Maybe she still feels something for me and I finally get to be with her?", Thought Eunjin.

Mark noticed the man's looks and his best friend's discomfort. He needed to do something, but he didn't know what.

- And everyone thought Mark and Mina were dating, until that happened. - An old classmate commented, leaving an unpleasant mood. Everyone knew that "that" was the humiliation that Eunjin had put Mina through.

- Yeah, but it's all over, right? There is no need to remember that. I don't even remember what happened anymore, it was just a teenage love disappointment. - Mina said trying to laugh at the end, but she was still affected by it for a long time. - Besides, Mark helped me a lot at that time.- Mina took the hand of her best friend, who smiled back at her.

- But tell the truth, Mina. - It was Eunjin's turn to speak. - You and Mark never had anything? You were together all the time, he was the first to comfort you when I dumped you. It's not possible! - He said in a way that made Mina more uncomfortable than she already was.

- No, we never had anything ...

- At that time. Nowadays, we are better than ever. - Mark interrupted, pulling her friend by the shoulder, if a way that she would hold him. Mina wasn't really understanding what was going on.

- Does that mean ...

- Mina and I are dating.

Just... friends? (Mark Lee & Kang Mina // Keumi)Where stories live. Discover now