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At the appointed time, Mark was in front of the building where Mina lived. I couldn't deny that I was nervous. He hated lying to his parents and putting Mina in this situation. His nervousness gave way to another kind of feeling when he saw his friend walk towards him. Mark had felt it before, he didn't quite know what it was, but it felt good. His friend was beautiful, that he could never deny, but tonight, she was even more so, if that was possible.

- If I knew you were so beautiful, I would have asked you to be my girlfriend before. - Mina slapped Mark on the arm as soon as he said it, but laughed.

The way to Mark's parents' house was smooth. As always, Mina talked about her work and Mark listened to every word she spoke. But when they reached their destination, nervousness took over both of them again. Mark held out his hand to Mina, it took her a while to understand what she had to do, and when he looked into her friend's eyes, she smiled and became calmer.

As soon as they entered the house, hand in hand, they were greeted by Mark's mother, who could not hide from anyone the happiness of seeing them together.

- Mina, my dear! - The woman hugged the youngest and Mark smiled seeing the scene. - It's been so long since I saw you.

- It is true! I've been so busy with work that I've never been able to have coffee with you again, Auntie.

- Auntie? I think we can change to "mother-in-law". - Mark's mother laughed and winked at them both. - I was so happy when I heard that you were finally dating! You took too long to ask her out on a date, Mark!

The man was embarrassed and tightened his grip on Mina's hand.

- It was not Mark who took to ask me to date, it was me who took to accept. Mina gave a nervous laugh, which was followed by Mark. - Shall we talk to your Mark? - He agreed. - We'll talk later, aunt... I mean... mother-in-law.

As soon as she realized they were away from Mark's mother, Mina said: - Mark, what just happened? This is not going to be easy...

- Sorry for not having said anything in front of my mother. It's not easy lying to her.

- Okay, but now the situation will be more boring: Eunjin is already on your father's tail.

- Mark! Mina! You finally arrived! - Mark's father received them both with a big hug.

- Good night, Mr. Lee. Good night, Eunjin. - Mina spoke as friendly as possible. She was sincerely happy to see Mark's father, but not happy to see Eunjin at all.

- Dear, it's a great pleasure to have you here. And son, I'm so glad you have such an amazing woman like Mina by your side. - Mr. Lee said, a proud smile on his face. Then he took Mina's hands and continued. - Mina, we already had a great affection for you, but now we are happier for you to make our son happy. I need to talk to other employees, enjoy dinner.

Mark's father left, leaving Mina not knowing what to say and Mark surprised by his father's words. Eunjin found their reaction strange and with the typical sinister smile on his face said:

- Apparently, Mark, you finally had the courage to introduce your girlfriend to parents. What I don't understand is why you're only going to present it now, when your parents love Mina. Were you ashamed of your little girlfriend?

Mark couldn't bear to hear that. Why did Eunjin have to be so irritating? Why would he be ashamed of his best friend? Mina realized that Mark was really angry with Eunjin and before he could say anything, Mina grabbed her friend's hand and said: - Mark, ignore what this idiot is saying. And Eunjin, just know that I'm no longer that silly little girl from high school who adored you, because luckily I realized what a big idiot you are. Plus, I'm the happiest woman in the world next to Mark and I know he would never suck and treat me the way you treated me. Enjoy dinner. Let's go, my love.

Dinner was happening and the "act" of the two continued in the best possible way. Mark made up a story when he realized his feelings towards Mina and Mina agreed with everything Mark said, even daring to complement some things.

At one part of the dinner, Mark's mother suggested that her son play the piano that was in the living room of the house. He tried to deny his mother's request, but when Mina encouraged him and asked him to play the piano, he was filled with a courage he didn't even know he had.

He positioned himself and took a deep breath. As soon as he started playing, Mina recognized the song, Because I Love You by Yoo Jaeha. This was the song Mr. Lee sang to Mark's mother when he asked her to marry him. As he played, Mark closed his eyes, really focused and Mina marveled at his friend's voice, as she was sure he had the music in his blood. However, she felt something else when Mark opened his eyes and looked directly at her and for a moment, they both forgot that there were other people in the room. Mina felt that Mark was singing this song especially for her, as if he really was in love with her, that's when she remembered that Mark had said that when he was really in love with someone, he would sing this song for her.

"I must be imagining things. Mark isn't in love with me. But why is he looking at me like that? And why is my heart beating so hard?"

The song ended, everyone applauded, but Mark was still static, he couldn't take his eyes off Mina. He didn't understand why he was acting that way, or, he didn't want to accept what he was feeling.

Just... friends? (Mark Lee & Kang Mina // Keumi)Where stories live. Discover now