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- Mark, can you explain to me what just happened?

They arrived in front of the building where Mina lived. Mina was in silence on the way to her home and Mark knew all about your best friend. He's sure that she's gonna explode at any moment. And she's right. What he had in his mind to tell everyone that they are dating?

- I'm so sorry! I gonna explain everything. -  Mina raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, she really wanted to know what he was going to say. - You were so unconfortable and Eunjin could stop look at you. This was the only thing that came to my mind. Sorry Mina, I couldn't stand that idiot looking at you like that anymore! Unfortunately he would only respect you if you were dating someone.

After Mark explain himself, Mina could no longer be upset.

- Mark, i'm really thankful for trying to protect me, even if it's that way, but you know that i don't like lies. Now, everyone is thinking that we are actually dating!

- Everyone already thought that, I see no difference.


The point is that the meeting was no.t just to reunite the high school class. Jeno and Yeeun wanted to announce that they were engaged and took the opportunity to invite everyone to the wedding and Mark and Mina had been chosen as the couple's maid of honor and best man.

- Dating with me is that bad, Kang Mina?

Mina had no way to be angry with Mark, so she started to laugh after he asked that question.

- Sorry Mark, I think I overreacted. But, thank you so much for helping me. I promise to be a nice girlfriend. See you tomorrow.

- Bye, girlfriend! - Mark laughed at the face that Mina made when he said that. She said goodbye and Mark thought about the big mess he had made.


After a few days, Mark was at the company, reviewing some documents, when he was asked by his father's secretary to go to his office. As soon as he entered, he had an unpleasant surprise: Eunjin was talking very happily with his father.

- Mark, you're finally here. I would like you to meet Eunjin, he is the son of one of our partners. Eunjin, this is Mark, my son and helps with the company's accounting.

- Looks like we're meeting a lot, isn't it Mark?

- Yeah, I really didn't expect to see you here.

- Do you know each other? - Mark's father was really confused.

- Yes, we studied together at school and ended up meeting a few days ago.

- Perfect! - Said Mark's father, not realizing that the son could not stand the presence of Eunjin. - I called you just to let you know that tomorrow Eunjin's family will have dinner at home and that I count on your presence.

- It will be great that you go and take your girlfriend, of course. - Eunjin said with a sinic smile on his face. Obviously Mark's father didn't know he was dating.

- Girlfriend? You're dating?

- It's dad, I was planning to talk to you when we were with mom, but apparently I will have to change my plans. - Mark looked at Eunjin, as if he wanted to kill him with just a look.

- So this is going to be the perfect opportunity! It will be a pleasure to meet her.

- But, sir, you already know her. Mark's girlfriend is Kang Mina.

- Kang Mina? I knew you were going to date one day. Your mom will be so happy!

- She will. - The discomfort was clear on Mark's face and Eunjin was very happy with it.

Now Mark was definitely screwed. He knew that Mina was not going to be happy to have to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of Mark's parents.

As soon as his shift was over, Mark went to the school where Mina was teaching, as he had to talk to her as soon as possible. Once there, he waited for a while until he saw his friend run towards him.

They went to a park that was close to the school, Mina could already see that her friend was very nervous, he really didn't know how to hide his feelings. At least, that's what she thought.

- Mina, I would like to apologize. I didn't want to do that, because I know you don't like it, but at the time I didn't have a choice.

- Calm. What happened? You're making me nervous, Mark Lee.

The man took a deep breath. When she spoke her name and surname, she knew that she was already impatient or nervous.

- Eunjin was in my father's company, he is the son of one of the partners. They were talking about some things and my father had the brilliant idea of ​​having dinner with the two families.

- So far so good, where do I get into this story?

- That idiot had the brilliant idea to say that I was supposed to take my girlfriend to dinner and, for Eunjin, you are my girlfriend. So, I had to tell that little lie to my father.

- I DON'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS! - Mina was already nervous. She was practically a daughter to Mark's parents. she didn't want to have to lie to them, either.

- Sorry, Mina. Worst of all, my dad is loving the idea of ​​you being my girlfriend.

- Mark Lee. Can you imagine how your mother will be? My God! This lie is not going to work.

- I don't know what I had in mind to have lied like that. But help me, please. I promise that after the wedding, I will clear things up once and for all.

Mina's heart was weak, especially when it came to Mark. The man had already done so much for her. In fact, this lie was to help her in some way, even if it didn't make sense in her mind.

- What time will be the dinner?

Just... friends? (Mark Lee & Kang Mina // Keumi)Where stories live. Discover now