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After the party was over, Mark and Mina were on their way to the apartment where she lived. The atmosphere between them was very different and an uncomfortable silence took over the car, which was not common between them.

- We're here. - Mark said as he stopped in front of the building. - Have a good night, Mina.

Before getting out of the car, Mina gathered all the courage she had and said: - Mark, could you come in a little? I need to talk to you.

Mark thought about running away, not sure if he was ready for this conversation. Insecurity took over his body. But he just nodded, parked the car, and walked Mina to her apartment.

- You can sit down, this is practically your house, Mark. - Mina said while Mark was still, as if waiting for Mina's next moves to be able to imitate them. He sat on the couch and was joined by Mina. - I'm sorry about today. - She knew very well why he was apologizing.

- I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have invented this much lying and put you in the middle of it all.

- You did it to protect me. It wasn't bad. Besides, we couldn't ruin Jeno's wedding.

- Jeno knew that our relationship was fake. - Mina was surprised and wondering since when Jeno knew about this lie. - Don't worry, he knew about it yesterday. - It was amazing how Mark knew what Mina was thinking all along, at least he thought so. - But I should have stopped before it took on huge proportions. Before I lied to my parents. Before you kissed me. Before realizing how much I am...

A reality check hit Mark. When he got nervous, he spoke whatever came to his mind. He realized what he was about to say. Mina's gaze hit him squarely and she motioned for him to continue talking.

- I should have stopped before I realized how much I am in love with you.

After listening to everything Mark had to say, Mina just stood up and held out her hand to the man, who looked at her with a confused face, which made Mina let out a small laugh. "How can it be so cute?" thought Mina. She just nodded, giving the man in front of her courage to stand up and hold her hand.

Mina guided him to the balcony of her apartment. It was his favorite place. Whenever I could, I drank tea and looked at the stars and the moon. Mark knew this. The two looked at the moon, without letting go of their hands.

- Remember when a few years ago you promised that you would protect me from everything and everyone? - Mina said, without taking her eyes off the sky. Mark just nodded, looking at the woman beside him. - The night was just like this one: lit by the moon and the stars. Whenever I stop to look at the starry sky, I remember your words, I remember that I am never alone and that I will always have you by my side. She finally took her eyes off the sky and directed her gaze to Mark. He was even more beautiful with the moon illuminating his face. - Since that day I suspected that I felt something more for you, but everything was confirmed the day we almost kissed that afternoon.

Mark's eyes widened, showing he was surprised.

- You remember that day.

- Of course yes. - She replied laughing.


It was a warm spring afternoon. The two teenagers spent hours studying in the school library, until Mina came up with the idea of ​​having ice cream on their way home. Mark agreed.

With their ice cream in hand, the two walked and talked about how excited they were to watch the newest Spider-Man movie, the boy's favorite hero. Mina was so excited that she didn't even notice a bicycle heading her way. She only realized that something was going to happen when she felt Mark's hands pulling her around her waist, making their bodies collide and preventing her from getting hit by the bike. Noses touched, eyes connected, Mark's breath hit Mina's face and she felt her heart go out of her mouth. She thought that at any moment he was going to kiss her. And it was at that moment that Mina knew she was in love with her best friend.

- Sorry Mark, I have to go.

She ran away, leaving Mark confused and with ice cream on his shirt.


- I thought that feeling had disappeared, but when you sang that song at dinner at your parents' house, I was sure that, even after so many years, I was still in love with you.

- So...- Mark released Mina's hands and placed them on the woman's waist, bringing her a little closer to him. - Can we turn this fake relationship into a real relationship?

- Hm... I don't know. Only if you give me a real kiss.

Mark laughed at what Mina had said and finally brought his lips to hers in a sweet, no-nonsense kiss. A kiss that had been waiting for years for both of them. A kiss that proved they really loved each other much more than just good friends.


This is the end.

Thank you for reading this fanfic and for every comment. I hope you enjoyed.

Let me know what you think in the comments or on my twitter @oshwindy

Love, Mika ♥

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