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It was the eve of Jeno and Yeeun's wedding. Mark was at his friend's apartment, who had called him to talk and help him with some things for the big day.

- Are you very nervous? - Mark asked as he handed Jeno a beer.

- I would be lying if I said no, but happiness is bigger than nervousness. All I want most is to make Yeeun happy. - Mark noticed Jeno's joy when talking about his wedding and hoped that it would happen to him one day. - And I'm happier that you and Mina will be with me that day. I still can't believe you guys are finally dating!

Jeno noticed that Mark had been a little uncomfortable when he had talked about his relationship with Mina. The truth is, Mark hated lying to anyone, especially his friend and his family. - What happened, Mark? Did something happen to you and Mina?

- I can't hide it from you anymore. The truth is, we never dated.

- Like this? Please explain to me.

- I made this story up because the idiot Eunjin was bothering Mina a lot that day.

- You know that doesn't make much sense, right?

- I know! But I could only think of it at the time. Things are getting out of hand. What was supposed to be a lie to drive Eunjin away, took on enormous proportions. - Mark could see that Jeno was very confused, so he continued. - Eunjin's father is now a partner in my father's company and the idiot insisted on telling my father that Mina and I are dating, that is, I had to lie to my parents too.

- And Mina agreed to all this?

- After I insisted a lot, she agreed. But, you know how she hates lies, so I'll get it over with tomorrow, after the wedding. But...- Jeno motioned for him to continue. - At dinner at my parents' house, something inexplicable happened. I couldn't take my eyes off Mina and every time she approached or touched me, I got goosebumps and it felt like everyone was going to hear my heart pounding.

- It only means one thing.

- What?

- That this lie is coming true: you are in love with Mina.

As much as he denied it to Jeno and himself, with each passing day, he grew more enchanted by his best friend. He wanted to be with her all the time, make her laugh or protect her from everyone, like the day Eunjin humiliated her in front of everyone at school. So that's when Mark realized that all these feelings had been with him since high school. It wasn't in those weeks that he fell in love with her. Mark has always been in love with Mina.

Just... friends? (Mark Lee & Kang Mina // Keumi)Where stories live. Discover now