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The wedding day had arrived, Mark was impatient and nervous in front of the church. Sometimes he spoke to some of the guests, sometimes he didn't have a cell message to check the time or anything from Mina. It turns out that since dinner, Mina and Mark hadn't talked. He felt that the teacher was trying to avoid him. She'd just texted him saying she was meeting him at church.

It was 5 minutes before the wedding began, Mina still hadn't arrived and Mark was doubting if she would actually show up.

Then, as the groomsmen were getting ready to enter the church, Jeno motioned for Mark to look back. Mina was coming towards him and Mark thought he was going to pass out right there. The off-the-shoulder pastel pink dress fitted perfectly on her body, the short wavy hair was the perfect frame for her face, the light makeup, enhancing her beauty even more. If Mark really believed, he could say that Mina was some kind of fairy.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Mina was also affected after seeing Mark. Her heart pounded with every step she took against him. She had always thought he was handsome, but that day he was looking like the prince she'd dreamed of when she was little. The perfectly styled hair showing his forehead, which he didn't usually do, the suit tailored for him, further enhancing his body which, according to Mina, was getting a little more defined. The two stood face to face, not knowing what to say. Then Mina smiled and Mark realized that everything was fine between them.

The wedding took place in the best possible way. The couple was happy and you could see that they really loved each other. Jeno's speech caused most people to cry, including Mina. Mark noticed the tears in his friend's eyes and, in an unthinkable act, held her hand, then caressed. Mina was startled for a second but then gave a small smile.

Already at the after-party, Mark was sitting, paying attention to the people around him. He noticed how happy Jeno and Yeeun were talking to the guests. He also noticed Mina happily talking to some people who had studied with them, she was laughing at something someone had said. He thought it was adorable when her eyes disappeared when she laughed. He loved seeing her like this, happy and would love to be the reason for her happiness. Mark was snapped from his thoughts when someone announced it was time for the newlyweds to dance. Yeeun and Jeno went to the center of the hall as the version of "I Knew I Love" sung by Jeon Mido started playing. Mina's eyes met Mark's. Once again, her heart began to beat faster. She saw the man getting up and coming towards her, for some reason she couldn't look away from him. When Mark stopped in front of her, he held out his hand and said:

- Would you like to dance with me?

It was then that Mina noticed that some couples also joined the newlyweds and started dancing to that song. Mina just smiled and took Mark's hand.

The two went to the lounge, Mina put her hands around Mark's neck as he hugged her waist.

Just like the song said, Mark knew he would fall in love with Mina. He had no plans to confess to her, as he was afraid of the woman's reaction. He was afraid of losing her, he wouldn't forgive himself if that happened.

- You're so handsome today. - He heard Mina practically whisper that phrase, in an attempt to not leave the awkward atmosphere between them.

- No more than you are. Not in my wildest dreams would I find a woman as beautiful as you.

Mina's cheeks heated up, making her more adorable than she already was in Mark's eyes. The two couldn't break eye contact. Mina tried to understand why she was acting that way and why she found Mark's lips so inviting. The distance between the two was closing, when their lips were about to touch, a round of applause took over the place, indicating that the song was over. The two parted instantly.

- The most awaited time of the wedding has arrived. Time to throw the bouquet! - Yeeun said into the microphone and asked the women to join. Mark motioned for Mina to go where all the women were and so she did. - Are you ready? I'll play and whoever gets it will be the next to get married! One, two, three!

Yeeun tossed the bouquet and it landed at Mina's feet, who had made no effort to go get it. Mark choked on the sparkling wine he was drinking, attracting everyone's attention.

- Apparently the future groom is already nervous! The bride-to-be could give him a kiss to calm him down, right? Kiss, kiss. - The bride spoke and everyone in the room asked for a kiss from the two. Mark despaired, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't force Mina to do this. He was nervous, looked at Jeno as if somehow asking him for help, but Jeno didn't know what to do. Then he felt someone hold his hands, he recognized that touch anywhere. What he didn't expect to happen, happened. Mina's lips touched his and he was sure this was the sweetest kiss he had ever received.

Just... friends? (Mark Lee & Kang Mina // Keumi)Where stories live. Discover now