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// Finally an update for you guys! Not much happening in this chapter, I'm sorry! I am still writing this story, I love it so much. Thanks to everyone who is patient with me on this, I am not giving up on it.\\

I was utterly lost within the warmth of Doc's lips pressed against my own. His hands roamed freely, gently caressing my body against his. When he pulled his lips from mine, I couldn't tell if it had been two seconds or two minutes. We stood still, the gentle breeze blowing free strands of my hair across my cheek.

"And there goes what's left of my soul," Doc muttered, brushing the hair from my face, "for you to take and do with it what you please."

"Doc..." I whispered, noticing the hint of pain behind his eyes.

We stared at each other for a moment before coming back down from the high the kiss had created.

"Let's get back to the hotel before someone comes looking for us," he said suddenly, clasping his hand around mine and walking out of the alleyway.

Only three or four other saloons appeared to be booming with business at the late hour it was, with the streets barren as we walked. But I couldn't deny the feeling of prying eyes lurking in the dark, somewhere. I knew from the look Johnny had given me at the Oriental that his passion and anger would not soon be extinguished.

"I think we should remain indoors tonight." I commented as I unfurled the drapes to cover the windows of Doc's double French balcony doors.

Doc stood at the dresser, doffing his overcoat and trousers then placing them back where they'd rested for so long while he was sick and lacked the strength to even dress himself.

"Whatever you wish, darlin', you are the nurse after all."

I grinned and turned to Doc who was chuckling "I hope that wasn't an attempt at sarcasm, Mr. Holliday."

"I do not attempt sarcasm, Johanna, you'd know it without a doubt," he chuckled in retort as he shut the dresser doors.

Glimpsing momentarily at Doc in his underclothes, I spoke; "I'll be heading to bed now, so if-"

"Would you like to stay with me?" He asked, although he instantly looked away from me, seeming to be embarrassed to ask such a vulnerable question.

"That would...uh, be a very difficult-" I stammered idiotically before three swift knocks wrapped upon the door.

Doc's piercing eyes locked onto mine for a split second before he grabbed his pistol from atop his night stand and moved around the bed to the door.

"Can I help you, sir or madam?" Doc said nonchalantly while holding his pistol in one hand, the other on the doorknob.

"It's Wyatt, open up."

Doc opened the door to the ever stoic face of my uncle who then looked up and down at Doc and his attire, or lack thereof, before raising an eyebrow in my direction.

"I'd like to speak to you Jo, preferably alone," Wyatt spoke firmly, turning away from the door frame as he waited for me to exit Doc's room.

Doc looked apologetically at me, blinking twice.

"Goodnight Doc, I will see you in the morning," I offered, Doc nodding quietly in return as I left the room with one last look at him.

With the door shut behind Wyatt and I, my uncle spoke with an outstretched hand towards the door leading into my own room; "After you."

Does he know about the kiss? Does he think Doc and I were engaging in...activities when he appeared?

My overactive mind barred myself to believe Uncle Wyatt had any other reason to call on me so late. Would he go to the lengths of sending me home, away from Doc? My heart thudded anxiously as I opened the door to my room and shutting it gently behind us.

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