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  "H-whazit?!" he questioned in slurred, drowsy speech with widened, fearful eyes as he'd quickly sit up and...immediately
  look ill right afterwards with a greenish hue on his cheeks and his paw on his head which made Storm look pretty panicked.
  "Hey if you're going to do that then go to the kitchen, you already ruined my carpet and offended me enough!" he scolded
  nervously and kept a close eye on Tony as he'd have his narrowed eyes on Storm. "Mmmhwell it ain't my fawult I get
  motion sick easy" he'd set down his paw and scowl a little "plus, I've got a hangovah so maybe think b'four y'speak." Thankfully,
  the green would fade from his face but...Storm didn't really focus on that and had looked enraged with a twitch of his eye and a
  spark and ooze of his horn from Tony's blatant hypocrisy. "You're not serious..." his voice practically sounded like he was a ticking
  time bomb. However, as Storm was about to explode...again, a sudden voice was heard. A very familiar. Very regal and serious
  one; "has he been causing you trouble again, young hero?" instantly, this shut both the males right up and quickly made them
  look over at this voice. Of course, they'd see Anastasia...except she had her powers fully activated and looked ready to pull out
  her scythe at any moment while Sniper and Cookies stood at her side somewhat casually. If you'd consider emotions of concern
  and drowsiness to be casual at least. However, Storm would stand tall and confident with a determined scowl on his features
  even though you...couldn't really see it through his respirator. But just as he was about to bellow out this grandiose speech...Tony
  interrupted. "Nah, nah. Nothin's goin' on, toots. 'Ewuhz just angry an' ovah' dramatic about me ruinin' 'is livin' room is awll." He
  nonchalantly swiped his paw forward as to say 'fuggetaboudit' in a friendly way even though he was sweating and seemed to be
  pretty nervous. Pretty much everyone in the ruined room saw through this in their own different ways. But Storm...well he just
  looked utterly offended and didn't let anyone else speak before he could. "'OVER DRAMATIC'?!?!?!?!?!?!?" he shouted extremely
  loudly as sparks flew off his horns and singed the ground more than it already was and even hit the ceiling. Sniper flinched from
  the sudden loudness and quickly grabbed onto Anastasia's leg as his hues would turn purple in fear. Tony merely side-eyed Storm
  with an annoyed expression "Tony. QUEEN DAYDREAM is literally coming over today!!!! How can I not be 'over-dramatic'
  about the QUEEN OF EON coming over!!!!" he scolded aggressively. Sniper blinked twice with wide, panicked eyes as
  Cookies was laying in a lawn chair eating popcorn and looking like he just came from the beach. Tony however was just giving
  Storm an annoyed side-eye "well y'should'a told me 'dat yesta'day 'den, kid. It ain't like i'm gonna be 'ere when she comes
  ovah anyways." He replied bitterly which had made Storm's eye twitch once again as sweat dripped down his face.

  Then, he'd aggressively tear his mask off his snout and throw it to the ground, shattering it into little plastic pieces and making his
  brother tremble in fear. "SHE. WANTS. TO TALK TO YOU, TONY!!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!! AND I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU.
  basically sounded like a little gremlin at this point in his insanity. Cookies and Tony would even look amused from it while Sniper
  was the opposite and was...very concerned. "Storm calm down!! You're going to burn down the house again!!!" Sniper exclaimed in
   a panic as Storm breathed heavily with sweat and black goop dripping down his face and making him look like he was melting.
  Except for the fact that jagged, fast bolts of lightning were flying out of his glowing horns with a mind of their own...but Storm
  really didn't seem to care since he was more focused on his own angsty emotions. However, the others were much more focused
  on the obvious thing dripping down the sire's face that for sure wasn't sweat. But instead a black goop coming straight from his
  glowing, angry horn. And as soon as they really got a good look at it, they'd all look very disturbed while Tony was also extremely
  disgusted and even had a little green on his cheeks and Sniper was...extremely scared and concerned with widened eyes.
  "STORM WHAT IS THAT COMING OUT OF YOUR HORN?!?!?!" he screamed as if he was in a horror movie and just witnessed a
  murder. Immediately, Storm froze right up and snapped back to reality to see everyone state at him like he was a freak of nature.
  Well...what was on his face really. Then, he'd look a little panicked as he'd realize what they were talking about...and feel
  the warm, gross liquid on his face. "Oh-'s nothing. Daydream said it happens because of stress...sorry" he'd quickly
  spawn a napkin with his magic and clean up his face and make sure to wrap up his horn with a clean one. Sniper blinked twice
  and...still looked very concerned while the others had calmed down a bit besides Anastasia who had deactivated her powers
  which showed a motherly worry on her makeup coated features. "Oh no...i'm so sorry, Storm" Sniper said sympathetically as he'd
  pin back his strange ears. Anastasia slowly nodded in agreement while Tony had nonchalantly picked his hat up in the background
  and put it right back on his head. "It's uh...fine...I guess" Storm said awkwardly as he'd blink twice and thankfully be all the way
  calmed down pretty much. "BUT let's worry about Daydream and get this placed cleaned up PRONTO!" he announced
  confidently and pointed a claw in the air and made Sniper instantly smile again. "We can't have Daydream seeing this and
  sending all of us to jail or exile or passing out!" he said, sounding as though he was giving a grand speech that would change
  generations. "So let me do all the work because I trust none of you besides Anastasia to get it right!!!" he concluded grandiosely
  with a big smile on his face and a determined fist.

"YEA-...wait what?" Sniper blinked twice with brown iris'
"you heard me" Storm stated with closed eyes as he'd give a big,
  friendly smile and now be wearing a maid's dress with a matching feather duster in his paw. "Well 'dat makes it easiah f'us
  'den" Cookies said as he'd look like he was about to fall asleep "yup. Thanks, kiddo" Tony agreed before sitting down on the
  couch with a thud as he'd cross his legs and have the other ones behind his head with a little smirk as he'd close his eyes cockily.
  This frustrated Storm a little...but thankfully, Sniper would pipe up with his little words of encouragement; "are you sure you
  don't want some help from me and Anastasia, Storm?" he asked kindly and made his brother blink twice before looking down at
  the little fox with cyan hues. "Uh- no, no i'm me. I like cleaning anyways" he reassured with a little smile "yeah we
  totally couldn't tell from d'dress, Storm." Tony remarked sarcastically as he'd open one eye and smirk once again. Storm
  gave an annoyed side-eye and just tried to focus on his brother and Anastasia. "Well alright then...but just know that we're always
  here to help!" Sniper encouraged with a big smile as Anastasia would nod in agreement. Storm gave them both a confident
  little smile "thanks! But you know how I am with organization anyways...SOBYE!!." Then, he'd dash right off and began to
  vacuum the floor. Anastasia and Sniper blinked twice before glancing over at one another. "Well let's just give him some time"
  he smiled warmly "yes sir" once Sniper skipped over to the bookshelf, Anastasia would follow as we'd then zoom in on Tony
  and see him with opened, unsure optics as he'd think about. . .something that seemed complicated to him. It was a
  question though, that was for sure...but since Storm was busy, he decided not to ask...and then it all faded to black. . .

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