Well That Was Surprising...

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  "DIDN'T THINK I'D BE BACK SO SOON, EY?!?!?!" she belted out evilly as she'd stare the fearful and shocked hero down like he
  was nothing but a tiny little insect even though someone much taller than her was right in front of him. "I-..." his pupils darted
  around briefly before he'd quickly shake his head and hop in front of Daydream protectively. "NO! I didn't! But I sure don't like
  having you here. So I suggest you leave before I make you" he announced confidently as he'd stand tall and proud with his
  shoulders back and had a determined, stern expression on his fuzzy face. Overcast looked amused at his 'poor attempt' at being
  all tough and brave for the worried mentor behind him. "Really now?! How d'ya expect t''make me leave' when you've got HORNS
  LIKE 'DOEZ?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Storm and Daydream both looked unamused as they blinked slowly in
  unison. "NO WONDAH WHY Y'WANT ME T'BUZZ AWFF, YOU'VE GOT UNEVEN HORNS!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Didja wreally think 'dat
  some dinky lil' napkin would hide it from me, wonky horns?! HAHAHAHA!!!!" Storm blew out a long, exaggerated sigh. 'Here I
  thought thinking that Overcast would take this a little seriously. . .but no. She just had to be herself didn't she??' suffice to
  say, he wasn't amused in the slightest. And also felt...a little called out. But he'd never admit that. "Do you seriously think that was
  necessary Overcast??" he questioned defensively with a much more annoyed expression "OF COWARSE I DO!!! HOW COULD
"O-Overcast...?" a deep, chainsmoker voice suddenly muttered,
  causing the queen to open her eyes and scowl while Storm and Daydream had wide eyes 'Oh no' Storm thought as he'd sweat but
  did not intervene. "HUH?!?!?!" she blinked twice and merely tilted her head to the side to look at the couch "WHO SAID MY-" as
  soon as she saw one specific animal sitting on the couch, she went dead silent and looked like she saw a ghost right before her
  eyes. "Wh-. . ." was all she could murmur with her slightly parted lips that had felt glued shut. She couldn't advert her gaze from his
  wide, shocked eyes that looked just as terrified as hers. They were just far too familiar to her to just ignore them. And the same
  had gone for Tony as well. "Tony...?" she muttered in a near whisper, only to get nothing but silence in response which was
  most likely due to shock. "...Wh- h- HOW??? How awre ya-...WHAT?!?!?!?" she really didn't know what to say as she'd
  feel just so, so many emotions at once that had confused her to her evil core. "I-.....am so confused" she blinked twice, still
  giving her uncle eye contact and looking just as confused as her voice had implied while the others would keep quiet for them and
  pretty much monitored the situation.

"Y'don't think I am eitha'?! Last time I sawya, you were smawllah
  'den me!" he said, sounding completely baffled...and a little fearful from how much she had grown. Overcast blinked twice,
  now looking completely offended from what she had heard while she was also probably a little embarrassed deep down.
  "Do ya seriously think 'dats d'issue 'ere, Tony?! OF COWARSE I'VE GROWN WHILE YOU WERE BUSY BEIN' A DEADBEAT Y'FREAKIN'
  MORON!!! IS 'DAT CIGAR SUFFOCATIN' Y'BRAIN CELLS ORSOMETHIN'?!" she'd scowl at her uncle and breathe loudly out
  her nose which caused a thick and dark smoke to fume out of her nostrils like an angry bull. Tony paused for a few minutes as he
  didn't know what to really say besides some stupid jokes and brushing it off like it was nothing. But seeing and hearing her so
  angry...well it made him reconsider doing that and taking this more seriously even though he just wanted to catch up and goof
  off with her like old times. He did fully believe that she was justified for being mad though. However, as he was about to
  speak genuine words for once, Sniper had suddenly piped up through the painfully long silence which had grabbed their
  attentions. "Sorry to interrupt...but don't you guys think you should have this conversation somewhere more private...? A-and
  maybe give each other at least a little bit of time to think?" he asked kindly as he didn't want to make either of the two upset.
  Or...more upset than they were in their own ways at least. Overcast scoffed softly "why should I? He clearly likes you freaks
  more than his own family" she'd bitterly advert her gaze and look towards the wall. Probably just to hide that she was
  genuinely upset in a not very intimidating or reputable way. "No, no 'dat ain't it, Oc. I'm just livin' wif' 'em f'a lil' while so I can see
  you an' y'sistah again." He'd said genuinely with guilt in his voice as he'd try to look into her eyes to make it even more genuine.
  However, she'd still look towards the wall silently and really think about what he said before she'd droop and look down
  towards the ground instead. ". . .Y'know y'didn't haf'ta live wif' 'em t'do 'dat, right...?" she asked rather quietly, almost sounding as
  if she was insecure in a way. Tony blinked slowly with a sympathetic expression as he had realized what she was trying to
  suggest. ". . .Well uh..." he'd nervously glance to the side, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he'd sweat a bit. "I don't
  wreally know whea' you guys live t'tell ya d'truth" he'd look back up at his youngest niece and see that she looked significantly
  more sad than before. "But uh- I do know y'kingdoms name an' awll 'dat" his smile was as fake as plastic, and him sweating
  anxiously only proved that he was just trying to make her feel better. "...Mmh..." Overcast noised, not really being too sure about
  what to do ". . .I-I've gotta go. . ." she said quietly, not completely looking away from the others and down at the ground sadly.
  Tony's eyes widened fearfully as he'd quickly scramble his way off the couch and reached his paw out to her; "HEY,HEY!! Just wait
  an' hear me out don't!-" despite his desperate plea, she'd teleport away in a red ember anyway and leave him reaching out to
  nothing but air.

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