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  Some hours later, Storm was seen gently dusting the top of the television with a content little smile on his snout before he'd stop
  abruptly and step back to take a look around at his hard work. Then, we'd zoom out and see that the house was now completely
  back to it's original organized state with an extra cartoonish sparkle to it just to prove how clean it was. A long, relaxed sigh
  escaped the hero's maw as his smile would grow some more. "Ah, perfect...now we just need to wait for Daydream!" he stated
  proudly, pointing his nose up towards the sky and closing his lids right up while his surroundings sparkled. "Yeah!!! You did such a
  good job, Storm! I'm sure she'll love it!!" Sniper exclaimed joyfully as he was seen sitting on the couch in the middle of all
  his friends...that were pretty squished together on the left since Tony was...Tony. However, he really looked to care less as he was
  pretty spaced out and focused on his own thoughts while Cookies was literally just asleep. "Thanks! I know she'll love it too, Sniper!"
  Storm said confidently "you're welcome!!" Sniper replied jovially as Tony would blink twice. "Yeaaahh 'dats real sweetbutI've
  gotta good question f'ya, Storm" he said rather carelessly as he'd have his priorities on the straight and narrow. Storm blinked
  twice and both he, and his brother would look up at him while Anastasia and Cookies were being...Anastasia and Cookies.
  "'Aightso why doez'Daydream wanna see me exactly?" he raised a brow and blinked twice "pretty sure y'nevah actually explained
  'dat t'me, bub." Then he'd look a little unamused while Sniper had nodded in agreement innocently. As soon as Storm heard
  this question, he'd instantly look nervous and sweat a little as he'd recall what Daydream said to him. "Uhhh-" anxiously, he'd
  dart his pupils around before focusing back on Tony and his expression that was clearly suspicious of Storm. "Well she
  basically told me that she missed you and wanted to catch up is all!! Because she...totally didn't think you died or anything dumb
  like that." Storm laughed nervously while Tony blinked twice "'dats awll? I thought it'd be worse" he'd smirk with a joking tone
  that filled Storm with so much relief. "Oh-...well that's good I g-" suddenly, a gentle knock on the door would kindly interrupt him
  and cause all the three of them to tense up a bit. Then, Storm would grin happily and look over at the...very damaged front door
  before lifting up his wings and swiftly dashing over to the door. Causing his feathers and fur to fly right out of him as he'd become
  a happy blur. Sniper smiled joyfully at his brothers enthusiasm while Tony looked...the opposite. As expected.

  But back with Storm, he'd look as happy as a seventeen year old german shepherd could be as he'd eagerly open the door with a
  giant goofy grin and his fluffy tail wagging behind him as fast as it could. And once he saw Daydream bent over with that warm
  smile on her face, he wouldn't let her mutter a single peep before he'd leap onto his mentor and hug her chest as tightly as he could.
  "Wow now!- I didn't know you'd be this excited to see me" she chuckled softly and gently pet Storm's back before standing on her
  back legs and hugging him back somewhat tightly to not crush him to death. But it'd make Storm satisfied enough as he'd feel
  like he was encased in warm, fresh laundry or standing in a ray of warm sunshine on a chilly day. The golden fur above her dress
  was so thick, soft and warm like a fluffed up cloud that had been suntanning for a while. And he'd take in her scent as he'd nuzzle
  his face into her a little, causing him to get a good wiff of that oh-so familiar and comforting scent of what he could only
  describe as 'home.' Unfortunately for him though, the hug would last too long as Daydream gave him one last loving squeeze with a
  "mmmh!" before she'd gently set him right back down on the ground and got a good look at all the changes she had missed over
  the months. Visibly, she could already tell that he was taller, had a thicker coat, had more black growing in on the right side of his
  face and of course, the horn that had been wrapped up in a napkin but still had it's pointed tip poked out of the top. "Well I
  can tell you've gotten heavier, that's for sure" she joked and followed it up with a playful laugh. Storm's hues widened and
  blinked twice as a coat of an embarrassed blush painted his cheeks. "Oh c'mon m- Daydream...this is serious, you know?
  Mentor to apprentice." He said defensively, just to not have her embarrass him in front of his friends even more. Especially Tony.
  But the brute had probably already caught on and looked...even more annoyed than before honestly. "Okay, okay fiine...I'll toughen
  up for you" she said playfully with an amused smile while Storm nervously glanced down to the side. "Just let me get in first and
  I'll start, okay?" Storm nodded "yeah,yeah. Go ahead...sorry that the door is small though...I should really get bigger ones" he
  laughed nervously while Tony furrowed his brows some more in the background and looked...slightly amused from thinking how
  dramatic Storm was being. "Nah it's alright Storm, basically every place is like that with me and Nightfall anyway" she'd shut
  the door behind her carefully and wiped her mits on the small door mat respectfully.

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