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  We now see Storm, Sniper and Cookies all back in the living room. "Okay guys act casual and- wait where's Daydream?!" he'd
  look panicked as he'd shift his head side to side hastily to try and find his mentor. But alas; "she left." Anastasia answered, causing
  Storm to look utterly devastated. "Oh no...I should have invited her..." his ears pinned back while Sniper patted his brother.
  "Don't worry Storm it'll be okay" Storm let out a long sigh. "Yeah she'll probably be back by the next few episodes, kid" the brothers
  blinked twice and looked...very confused. "I don't have a mental disorder, Cookies" he'd scowl, sounding offended. Suddenly
  though, a flash of shamrock green with particles of clovers and stars were seen behind them. "'Aight, i'm back. Sorry if it took'a
  while" he'd fix up his vest and seem much more chipper than usual before he stared at all of them and saw the brothers
  grinning nervously and...very fake-ly. "No, no it's fine!! We hope you had an amazing time!" Sniper said nervously while his
  brother quickly nodded in agreement. Tony blinked twice, finding them to be very suspicious for obvious reasons "why d'ya
  look like y'shit y'selves??" he asked sternly. "I-" "we were spyin' on ya" Cookies answered, interrupting Sniper who...was also
  probably going to fess up. But now that Tony knew, Storm looked utterly panicked while Sniper was more so nervous for the brute's
  reaction. "I didn't want to do it, I promise!" Sniper commented defensively as Tony now looked outraged. "You fuhkin' creeps!!!
  Awre ya tryin'a get some sorta petty gossip or sum'thin?!" he raised a brow and had his frown twisted up. "No, no, no!!! I
  thought Overcast was going to kill you so I-" "so d'best thing t'do was spy on us??? D'hell is ur prawblem?! God. Y'lucky 'dat ur
  mommy isn't 'ere anymore." He'd huff before taking out a pack of cigars from his pant pocket and a lighter from his vest with his
  magic. "HEY! First of all, she isn't my mom. She's my mentor. Second, DON'T SMOKE IN THE H-" suddenly, a cigar would get
  shoved in his mouth "shaddap." Tony looked...very annoyed as he'd also have an unlit cigar in his mouth. Wow. They matched.
  Except Storm looked utterly horrified while Sniper was...very concerned for his brother and Cookies thought it was funny. In
  the background though, Anastasia would look completely enraged. Oh no.

  "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Storm screamed before quickly spitting out the cigar onto the ground and using all his paws to stomp on it
  many times before it was crushed to nothing to dust. Then he'd hop off it and zap the remains of the cancer stick with his magic
  before he would swiftly pull out an entire vacuum from under his wing and proceeded to vacuum it all up...or...what little of it
  was left at least. "Awre ya done yet?" Tony asked, looking unamused as he'd light his own cigar casually while they all
  watched Storm breathe heavily with his wings up in the air, his fur messy and his horns glowing. "Yeah be careful you might
  throw out your back again..." Sniper said worriedly before Storm nonchalantly cleared his throat. "You're right, Sniper" he said, now
  sounding and looking completely calm. "AS LONG AS HE NEVER DOES THAT AGAIN!!!!" he pointed a claw up at Tony angrily
  "well it serves y'wrght, kid. Neva' spy on' don't waste anotha' cigah' again." He said "uuuugghhhhh....I was just trying to
  look out for you...and don't twist your own logic on me. You forced that...cancerous STICK in my mouth! I'M SEVENTEEN!!!"
  "Storm!!!!" Sniper shouted, quickly calming down his brother. "Sorry,sorry..." he patted Sniper while Tony rolled his...eye.
  "Wuteva'...I'needa work on makin' Overcast's cake an 'er presents f't'morrow, so don't botha' me, capiche?" he asked aggressively as
  he was already on his way to the kitchen. "Sure..." Storm stated with an annoyed expression and voice as they'd watch Tony leave
  into the kitchen at last. "Gosh...sometimes I can't stand him" Storm stated "same" Cookies replied as he was now sitting on the
  couch beside Anastasia. Storm looked unamused "I can never stand you" "Storm...I think you need to get ready for
  don't want your horn to get that inky stuff again!!" Sniper said. "But what if Tony ruins the place again??" "don't worry we'll make
  sure he doesn't! Promise! Just relax by yourself with your humidifier and remember that it'll all be okay." He encouraged
  happily with a warm smile as his tail would wag behind him. Storm blinked slowly, looking unsure of the idea while Cookies
  was looking through a male bodybuilder magazine. "...I guess that sounds like a good'll give me time to write to
  Daydream..." "yeah! So go ahead and pamper yourself Storm. Tonight is your night!" he smiled warmly. Storm blinked twice and
  smiled a little more "...thanks, Snipe. I appreciate it..."

"no problem! Have a good night! And if you ever need anyone,
  we're just down here!" Sniper exclaimed joyously "...alright...I'll remember that" Storm would smile a little more before beginning
  to pad his way over to the staircase "and you guys have a good night too" he'd look back at them with a big smile before looking
  back forward and making his leave up the steps. "Thank you!!" Sniper exclaimed with a little wave "yes, thank you very much
  young hero..." Anastasia said softly while Cookies nodded and looked very invested in his magazine. "My pleasure!" Storm
  said from above before a door was heard shutting gently. "y'eva' wonda' how much baby oil bodybuildahs buy everyday...?" he
  thought out loud casually. Causing Anastasia and Sniper to blink twice "A LOT!!" Tony would shout from the loud kitchen abruptly.
  Cookies blinked twice "...well 'den."


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