| Chapter 2 |

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As I and kaidou walked towards our new room and saw how beautiful and nice it looked compared to our houses and I walked towards the bed and lie down in it, it was the most comfortable bed I ever felt. maybe I could get used to this and just make it look like I killed them since the money would bring attention if I had to stay in this dimension and the fact I killed someone would probably be some sort of trauma.

I was reading a book and trying to figure out the history of this place and if anything could have caused this. Kaidou keeps saying its destiny but I personally think it is my brother causing this. While I and kaidou were in the middle of figuring out why we are here and theorizing how to get out of this place. Our roommate walked in and I already heard his thoughts and how he was planning to " take us under his wing" and I wasn't going to fall for it.

He reminded me way too much of teruhashi just 30x the ego and 30x the greed and the roommate actually killed so I didn't want to be taken under his wing or have kaidou. He asked us " What are you doing here? " I replied " Simple, Just trying to get money for our families to live." that was a lie our families probably think we are missing and my mom is probably getting a search team for me. He replied in a pitiful tone " Oh. "

The rest of the night was silent with him attempting to start some conversation and me being silent and getting kaidou to be silent. When he finally got out of the room to go to the bathroom I told kaidou " If we are getting hired to kill these people and then these others are too which means they might be trying to take advantage to get more money." Kaidou replied " You're right, Let's not talk to any of them and maybe we could figure out how to make them seem dead because I don't want to kill someone. " I just nodded and we went to sleep.

{ Meanwhile in Saiki's dimension... }

Kaidou's mom went to check on the boys and saw that they weren't there all she saw was an open manga and some half-eaten coffee jelly. She called the Saiki residence and told them that both kaidou and Saiki went missing. When Saiki's mom got the news she immediately told her husband and they both called the police telling them that their son and his friend kaidou were missing and the last house they were at was kaidou's home and the name of their son and what school they went to. The saiki's were questioning if his antenna went out or if it was something so much worse. The kaidou's were worried that their son was kidnapped but how has he kidnapped theirs no evidence of him being kidnapped.

{ Back to our jjba dimension }

I woke up second and was given some money to go to the store with kaidou and roommate to buy our own meals and I bought for breakfast: Some eggs, Spam and rice, For Lunch I bought some curry and rice and for Dinner, I bought a pork chop, some breadcrumbs, and seasoning. For dessert, I bought a strawberry shortcake and chocolate strawberries, and chocolate cherries.

I knew that they didn't have cooking supplies so I also bought some Pots, Pans and forks and spoons, and that kind of stuff but they did have a kitchen with working appliances that are rarely used.

Kaidou bought for breakfast: Fish and Rice with Miso Soup, Lunch: Chicken, and a marinade and skewers with rice. Dinner: Udon noodles. Roommate for breakfast got Bacon and eggs, For Lunch he got sandwiches and for dinner, he got steak and mashed potatoes.

We got back to the mansion and in the kitchen which when I first looked in there no one was in it and the supplies look rarely used I even touched the supplies without gloves and it was used only once and that's it. Now there was everyone in their eating with 3 empty chairs left and I made my food hoping people wouldn't talk to me and kaidou sat in between a red-haired person and a person with really tall hair.

Roommate sat in between a man in a cowboy hat and a child with a manga in their hand and I was sat in between a dude with some weird yellow goo all over him and a monkey.... reading a playboy magazine. The yellow goop dude introduced himself as yellow temperance and he tried to talk to me but I ignored him and I noticed a lot of the table members had the same thought about me " So this is the person Death Room told us about and how he just here to feed his family "

great... he told it around and now people are going to talk to me out of pity. After breakfast the food was good but people kept introducing themselves and trying to make conversation. I talked to kaidou a little bit at the table. We went back to the room and I asked my roommate or " Death Room " why he told people that I was just trying to feed my family.

He said it would make it easier for you to fit in and not get bullied. I went to the little couch in the room and kaidou went into the bathroom and roommate tried to talk to me and ask if I was new to a stand while I was reading " Info about Stands " and I said " Sort of. " We talked for 2 minutes and kaidou entered and then we talked for 1 hour and Death Room's thoughts were, " I think he's finally warming up to me " Incorrect but of course I didn't say that. It was lunchtime and this time I went to the kitchen no one used and I saw a tall hair dude and he introduced himself as Polnareff and we made our breakfast and while at the table he asked me " How did you end up here? This isn't a place meant for teens. "

I responded with " To have my family off the streets and living. " He simply responded with " Uh-huh " and then I asked him how he was here and he told me " To kill the person who killed my sister. " I knew he left out some details but I simply told him " If you find him maybe we could get rid of him together."

He seemed comforted about that and I asked him what were the traits of the person maybe we could get him arrested for murder and he told me he had 2 right hands and I realized a person and the breakfast table had two right hands. I told polnareff about the two right hands man at the breakfast table and he asked what I was talking about and the man didn't have two right hands and advised me to go rest and I read his thoughts and realized that something was blocking some of his thoughts, I finished my lunch and went back to my room.

When I was in my room I talked to kaidou about what happened and kaidou said he noticed some weird behavior in kakyoin. I went to dinner and I went into the kitchen and made the pork chops and I bought too many pork chops and I decided to give some of them to polnareff and kakyoin, kaidou and the others came and took some pork chops which I didn't willingly give it to them and after they all ate and gone away to their rooms I went back to my room to " Fall Asleep ". Once it was midnight I went downstairs and made myself the strawberry shortcake and prepared myself the chocolate strawberries and while I was enjoying myself reading and eating the surprisingly good desserts.

I didn't realize that kakyoin was around and the reason I waited until midnight was cause I didn't want to show weakness in front of these mercenaries I know I can defeat them but it would be inconvenient. I was about to eat the chocolate cherries until kakyoin asked for some cherries and he licked the cherries a weird way and I was in the middle of eating more strawberry shortcake he asked for some more cherries and I gave him all of them as I knew he would keep asking and he thanked me and tried talking more to me and I talked a bit. He told me that he will get to go to kill the joestars tomorrow.

We talked for a bit and I noticed that when I tried to read some more of his thoughts but his thoughts seemed to be nulled down and he was controlled by a flesh bud, I realized it was the same with polnareff and I planned to get some way to remove the flesh buds.

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