| Chapter 4 |

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In the morning, I told kaidou about how it is now our turn and we are teaming up with the old man with his tower stand to "kill" the joestars and we got to do the plan we planned for weeks and we managed to get on the same plane in time that the group of people with the joestars were with while I was sitting on the plane eating some airplane desserts and I saw our target and heard his thoughts which were mostly filled with " yare yare daze" and other things"

His thoughts told me some of the goals they had in mind for this trip combined with the thoughts of the buff old man next to him and figured out why they're doing this. I decided I was going to help them for 2 reasons, the reason went as this maybe if I do this some typical thing will happen and I will be at home, and if I'm not at home being without an identity pretty much not existing yet having a lot of money would bring a lot of attention.

Kaidou's POV

As I was sitting looking for our targets based on the description, Oh who am I kidding! I don't want to kill anybody, What would mommy think!? She would kick me out and leave me homeless! I'd be doomed! I hope this plan of not killing them works I really hope this works. I don't want to kill kakyoin or the other two over there especially if one of them reminds me of Saiki.

Saiki's POV

The old man gave us the signal to do what we do to kill them and I hypnotize the old man and kaidou to make it seem like we are all killing the joestars but to the passengers, it's just them having a heart attack or different things of death. When the old man left and went to the toilet kaidou asked me in a scared voice " Did we really kill them......!... " When the old man came back he killed the rest of the passengers and told us to go and I said I suspect the death of them might have been caused by a stand user that causes hallucinations and they're alive and the old man just shrugged it off. before we gave them the notes, kaidou was just in pure shock and asked me " Why didn't you react..." at first he was thinking I was a psychopath and then that I was brainwashed by him and all sorts of different things. I think after a while he will just assume it's my way of seeming not shocked and manly or something.

I already knew the plane was going to crash and land in Hong Kong and I didn't want to interrupt more than I already am in this dimension so I just let it happen and just was in the background but I did throw the old man out of the airplane after his monologue. We got rescued and all the passengers were rescued. I told Dio the crusaders were dead where I'll get my money on a bank account I made. He sent me the money and I immediately did a transfer to a different spare bank account I made. I soon after followed the crusaders to go to a restaurant where he will explain his plans to us. He explains the plans to us about how we'd go on a decently sized boat to Egypt.

I all of a sudden had a flash of the future where I saw avdol and polnareff fighting each other in some sort of garden. and I was trying to figure out more about that until I turned around and saw polnareff and he said he was a french tourist and had a hard time figuring out the kanji on the menu, I knew why he was here but I was conflicted and I had to accept that I have to let things go the way their supposed to be or else something worse might happen.

Joseph helped him read the kanji and he joined us and we got our food which I knew was going to be weird but accepted it since I also knew it was going to be pretty good and I gave him the recommendation for a dessert which was like coffee jelly. After we got our food polnareff attempted to strike up a conversation with me which I did and we talked for a little bit before he pointed out how long the food must have taken to be prepared and revealed he was an enemy stand user with a star-shaped carrot.

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