| Chapter 5 |

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As we got up to the freighter, I could hear the thoughts of something and it was familiar like the orangutan at the table when I was in the mansion. I really hated that monkey his thoughts always so perverse and their always so loud. I went with the others to look for some crew members and the girl pointed out there was a monkey in the cage and I finally found the culprit for all those loud thoughts. Kakyoin said an orangutan and then joseph replied and we went to look for the person feeding it.

The girl stayed behind a bit and I heard all the disgusting thoughts he had about her. I was going to put this monkey back in his place on the animal kingdom. We went back to the top and saw the crew from the last ship look at the crane. The crane suddenly went for a sailors head and I decided to get kaidou out of the area as if we were ever going to get back I don't want him traumatized.

Jotaro blinded the girl too late and she saw it. I knew who was the enemy stand user and I followed joseph's advice of not touching the machinery. He lead the rest of them down to the cabin and the rest of us were up and he asked if we saw a glimpse of a stand. I fit in with the rest of them and said no, At this point kaidou confessed that he didn't have a stand but understood what they were.

The girl thought we were jinxes and Im beginning to think that myself. He explained to the girl that we were on their side. I became invisible and hid in the monkey room so I could make a plan on how to defeat it, When the girl came in she was questioning how the monkey got a freshly cut apple without color change. The monkey started smoking and at this point I got very confused on it's plans to "woo" her. He pulled out the same playboy magazine he was reading around me and then the crew came and got her away from the monkey. The crew saw the ship wasn't connecting to any source and got suspious.

[ Im gonna timeskip the shower scene in the shower cause ya know ]

I was near the shower at the time and planning to take a shower until I saw the monkey trying to do something to the girl and decided to fight but I didn't want to bring more attention to myself so I made myself seem like jotaro through hypnosis and started fighting the chimp with some of my powers. The fan disconnected and landed in my shoulder and this was extra proof that he was the stand user so I decided to defeat him myself and not to bring attention to myself.

In the middle of the fight I was about to win without anyone else knowing that it was me or that their was a stand user and just say that their was an enemy stand user on board with one of the crew members and I defeated them. I didn't realizing jotaro was coming down since I was focused on the fight and I was using some of my powers and when I was finished and the girl was gone I reverted back into myself and saw jotaro and he said " Yare Yare so how many abilities do you have I just saw you use more than hypnosis." I decided to say that my stand has many more abilities than just hypnosis and that it was like the monkey ship stand except it seems like I have the powers and showed him my abilities and told him to not tell anyone since I'm quite insecure about it and don't want to seem powerful since that brings attention and could bring attention from the wrong people. He understood and I just told them when the ship reverted into a measly boat that it was the monkey that was the stand user and jotaro did most the work in fighting it and I just helped.

We finally got into Singapore and when he suggested we'd stay in a hotel I was so happy for dry land.

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