| Chapter 6 |

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As we were walking around, A police officer came up and fined us for littering and polnareff just said that it was his own luggage and we all laughed at that a bit. She was laughing too and then the others noticed and after a bit of debate polnareff called her poor and then said we'd pay for your hotel room and the others just sighed. We got checked into the hotel and Avdol and Joseph shared a room, Kakyoin and Jotaro shared a room. I and Kaidou shared a room when he was about to suggest that polnareff and the girl share a room, The girl made a rebuttal and she got her own room.

I heard a bunch of thoughts around me while trying to relax in my room while kaidou was raiding the fridge, I knew polnareff was in danger and told kaidou I was going to go get something to eat and went to polnareff's room and saw someone else in there. I found out their name and their stand.

I went to polnareff's aid and I figured out their plan and told polnareff to get out since their planning something and I didn't want to interfere so I did some actual help and told him the doll is attacking him and he did some action by attempting to set the doll on fire and it fought back and cut a chunk of polnareff's ankle off and polnareff called avdol and told him about this and we all agreed to meet up in room 1212.

Polnareff was looking for his room key and I floated it out of under the bed and put it on the desk. I could hear soul sacrifice's thoughts which consisted of " Dammit ". Polnareff was going to get up and go to room 1212 until the doll went for cutting polnareff's face off and I stopped it mid-cut.

It then went for polnareff's legs and temporarily paralyzed him in one leg, When the room service came it killed them and I eventually let it trap me under the bed. It was calling me a fool and tried to get me to attack it physically instead of just floating it away. I kept floating it away from the best I can from hurting polnareff but It still got some good hits in. It kept trying to stab me but it missed.

Polnareff was trying to get me out of under the bed and using silver chariot while trying to still attack the doll. The doll poured all sorts of juice, beer, and alcohol on the floor to set it on fire with a hairdryer and I floated the hairdryer away. Polnareff defeated the doll.

When we were all finally in the room, Joseph Joestar showed us a new ability of his and the tv said the kakyoin is a traitor. I knew that wasn't true as his thoughts were majorly different compared to before and I think something might be controlling or possessing him. I decided to sneak off with kakyoin and jotaro so I can see this difference more clearly.

The girl saw a stand selling ice cream and chilled coconut juice and when we were about to buy it a mugger came and robbed "kakyoin's" money. He started acting strange and beating up the mugger, Jotaro noticed this too. I saw him drink out of all 3 of our straws and then talked down to jotaro in a way he wouldn't normally talk.

Some kids pointed out some beetles and I tried to keep my powers under wraps and calm and so far it was working, I only exploded a little pebble and a tile, When Jotaro was leaving I suggested the girl leave too and she did. I stayed behind and then I saw what put me off the most. He is eating the bugs off the tree, I couldn't keep it under control and the tree exploded. Landing a lot of splinters in his face and body.

We were going to Singapore station when jotaro had ice cream and was looking over the view, "kakyoin" took the cherry and pushed off jotaro pretending it was an accident, Anne managed to grab a hold of him and jotaro got up and "kakyoin" tried to pass it off as a joke, The cherry fell on the ground after he licked the cherry weird and he picked it up again, My suspicions have been confirmed and I was getting ready to fight, I heard jotaro tell "kakyoin" to get lost since he was possessed, "kakyoin" revealed the fact that he was not kakyoin and showed himself. I realized I had to act more like a normal person so I called kaidou over to help. Kaidou said he would try his best to get over there and I told him I need to hang up.

I saw yellow temperance mocking jotaro, I knew his ability so if I was going to try to get rid of him, The best way would be not to interfere, I already interfered way too much and decided to pull out my actual stand to make it easier as yellow temperance gave me a dessert once I controlled him and made him purposely lose the fight, It was until the time he was nearly dead he gained back control, Jotaro asked for answers and he didn't give them until Jotaro was about to do one more punch did he give answers, I saw yellow temperances plan but I didn't want to interfere any more than I already did so I let jotaro do his thing. We were on the train and I was sitting with kaidou as he was apologizing for not being there and I was saying it's fine and stuff. I heard Jotaro and kakyoin talking and I knew Anne was on the same train

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