Chapter 6

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No. No no no no, never.

"No, Kakarot. No. No. Absolutely not. Never. No."



"But just let me explain—"


"I think if you just listen you'll see—"

"What about all the people you've killed?"

Goku crossed his arms. "I've never killed for selfish gain."

"Fine then. Why do you want this now?" He pushed himself close enough to Goku's face that their noses touched. "What changed from yesterday?"

Did Goku only want to humiliate him? A dark though crushed his spirit; surely Goku didn't want to punish him after all they'd been through.

"I thought about the future and...Um...I just want the gang to like you more."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. Goku was terrible at lying. "Oh? And what are you looking forward to so much that's in the future?"


Gods...he's too pure-hearted to go through with deceiving anyone. "I'm waiting."

"To be honest? I want them to know how amazing you are. I don't want another 20 years to go by and I'm the only one who can see that about you."

You sly son of a bitch.

Vegeta pulled his arms closer to his chest. He fought back the annoyed sigh escaping from his mouth and wondered if he was going mad. If this is what falling in love was supposed to feel like. "If I go through with this, will it make you happy?"

Goku's face softened. "Wow. Definitely!"

He'd taken Goku by surprise. He found comfort in the way Goku looked at him as if he were a stranger. "If that's the case, I'll do it."

"Wow Vegeta, you'll really do it?" Goku scooped Vegeta up into his arms and spun him around.

"Stop that!"


Vegeta punched Goku in the gut. He doubled over, coughing. "Ugh, you're so mean!"

"That's what you get." Vegeta smiled down at Goku's crumpled body on the ground. "I can't let you get too soft around me."

"You didn't have to sucker punch me!"

"If you want a fair fight, then let's spar. You're due for a good beating anyway."

"Yeah, I guess." Goku leaned against the coconut tree to catch his breath.

The two Saiyans spent the next few hours pummeling each other at the small island west of Goku's home. The quiet beach held happy memories for Goku. Ones where he talked to Vegeta about private things...And kissed him for the first time...

Today on the island felt different. With the merciless way Vegeta smashed into Goku, he wondered if the Prince was taking his anger out on him. They stuck purely to hand-to-hand combat during the spar, and Vegeta's kicks were brutal. Goku barely had the chance to block the knee barreling toward his face, when seconds later Vegeta used a sweep to knock him clear off his feet.

Twilight bled into night. Without speaking, they tossed their shoes into the sand heaps on the beach and moved the fight into the rising tide. The cool wash over Goku's feet was pleasant in contrast to the building pressure Vegeta applied to his attacks. Goku found himself locking fists with his rival, and struggling to push him over.

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