Chapter 11

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"Come on Vegeta, we gotta hurry up!" Goku pulled Vegeta along the snow-covered path in pitch darkness. It'd taken Vegeta forever to shower and get dressed again. Goku hadn't been joking earlier when he guaranteed Vegeta wouldn't be able to walk straight. Literally, he couldn't put one foot in front of the other without a sharp pain ripping through his ass.

"I'm walking as fast as I can!" Vegeta hobbled alongside Goku, but just couldn't keep up.

"Just let me carry you there," Goku whined.

But Vegeta's pride was too big to allow that. It was one thing to be carried while flying. That was akin to being treated like royalty. But to have your boyfriend carry you because he turned your asshole into a war zone only hours earlier? That shit was just embarrassing. "I can take a little pain."

"You're a real trooper." Goku laced his fingers with Vegeta's and slowed his pace down to a crawl. They'd never walked around holding hands before. Kakarot, why do you have to be such a girl? Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

"Would it be easier if we both flew into town?" Goku asked.

"No. this." Vegeta tightened his grasp of Goku's hand.

"I love you, Vegeta."

Vegeta sighed. "I love you too."

Goku squealed softly. Vegeta rolled his eyes. Is this how it was going to be from now on? Just throwing around "I love you's" like candy at a child's birthday party? Was that normal? Part of him did enjoy saying the three little words, but outside in the real world, they sounded different. Maybe it was something he had to get used to over time.

The closer they walked toward the quaint, snowy town, the heavier Goku felt in his palm. Are we going to walk down the street holding hands? They stepped under a gas lamp and turned onto the main street that cut through town.

Goku pointed to a storefront across the street. The weathered sign in front read 'The Pig's Pen'. "That place looks good, don't you think?"

Vegeta shrugged. They crossed the street and entered the building. Hot air blew onto them as soon as they stepped foot through the door, much to Vegeta's relief. Inside was a cramped tavern half-full with patrons. The room resembled something out of a European fantasy novel, what with the wooden round tables and ancient hearth present.

Goku left Vegeta at a booth near the back of the room. "I think I have to go to the bar to order. I'll be right back, okay?" He let his hand linger atop Vegeta's for a few seconds longer, then walked away.

A warmth stirred in Vegeta's chest. Never had anyone been so tender toward him. Not even Bulma.

"Heh, did you see the pair that just walked in?"

Vegeta's ears pricked up. His hearing wasn't great, but his sense was more attuned than the average human's. And he definitely possessed super-human abilities at sensing when people were talking shit about him. Whoever was speaking was sitting behind him.

"More faggots?"

"Yep. It must be tourist season already."

Goku returned to the table carrying two giant, steaming sourdough bread bowls. "All they have right now is soup, but it smells pretty good!"

The chipper arrival soured Vegeta's appetite. "Kakarot, did you hear what they said at the table behind us?"

Goku was already sitting down and a third of the way through his bread bowl when he heard Vegeta. He lifted his head to look deep into Vegeta's eyes. "No, I didn't hear anything."

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