Chapter 12

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Vegeta hated enclosed spaces. And he hated dancing. The moment Yamcha, Goku, and he stepped inside the nightclub, something or someone was bound to piss him off and send him off the deep end. It was just a matter of time, really. All he could hope for was that whenever it happened, he wouldn't have to get his hands too dirty.

Sweat. Hair spray. Makeup. Spilled booze. Perfume. All of the smells mingled in the thick air, assaulting his senses. Before leaving the apartment for their little excursion, he'd taken his sweater off and stuck to wearing his undershirt. The simple act could save it from being ruined by drunken idiots trying to dance. But even without the sweater on, it was still hot as hell inside the venue. The first thing he wanted to do was find a booth to plant his ass in, away from all the dancing.

Yamcha tugged both him and Goku to a table. "Do you two want drinks?" he asked.

Vegeta shook his head no. Next to him, Goku shook his head up and down. "Yes. Something sweet!"

Typical that he wants a girly drink, Vegeta thought soberly. He glared at the people dancing on the floor and took notice that most of them were young men. I guess he wouldn't be the only one, though.

"I'll be back!" Yamcha flashed a toothy smile, and wandered off.

"Oh Vegeta," Goku cried. He grabbed onto Vegeta's arm. "I'm so nervous!"

"Are you saying you want to back out?" Vegeta felt disappointed to hear that, but any prospect of leaving the sweaty club was starting to look appealing.

"No, no." In the dim blue light, Vegeta saw a blush rise in Goku's cheeks. "It's just that on the way here I thought more about it. He's going to see what we look like naked!"

Vegeta smiled. "That's the point."

"But that's not even the end of it!" Goku squeezed harder on Vegeta's arm. "He's going know..."

"Fuck us? Yes, I know. That's the only reason I bothered coming to this shithole." Vegeta leaned his elbow on the table. Ugh! Sticky residue clung to his skin, and he pulled his arm back to his chest.

"I've never done it with another guy, Vegeta!"

Vegeta suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. Perhaps Goku's fear wasn't completely unfounded. Today was the first time a man other than himself showed him sexual interest. Ideally, Goku would accept the night of sexual freedom he was being given. "Would it make you feel better if I make sure we both take care of you, no matter what happens?"

"That's nice of you." Goku kissed him. "I can't promise I'll stop being nervous, though!"

Before Vegeta could kiss him back, he was interrupted. Two girls, probably in their early 20s, walked up to their table. They were curvy, bubbly, and hobbling along in six-inch heels. "Hey, cutie!" said the tall one in the front. "Come dance with us!"

Goku pointed at his own chest. "Me?"

You can't be serious! No. NO! Not this time! Vegeta rose from the table. "He won't be dancing tonight."

"He wooon't?" whined the curvy tall girl.

"No. But I will."

Goku's eyes bulged from his head. "You will?!"

Both girls glanced at each other, telepathically using their feminine powers to come to a decision. "Uh, okay! Why not!" said the short girl.

Vegeta let them drag him into the middle of the dance floor. Goku stared at Vegeta's receding form as he was sucked deep into the crowd of the party. All of the anger, disgust, shame, and fear Vegeta held onto lay just under the surface. But what option did he have? If these girls wanted to dance, they were going to have to deal with him and like it.

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