Dinner, But Spicier

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Bowser growled and grumbled as he paced back and forth in his chambers, having already broken everything that wasn't necessary. He was furious, absolutely furious. He had been hoping that Peach would at least try to listen to him. But no, she had shut him out completely! She hadn't even thought about giving him a chance!

His head began to pound as he sat on his bed, now sulking. The whole thing was so hard to deal with. The only thing he wanted was for Peach to at least hear him out, and to know he was being genuine, but what was more genuine than seeking her out? It was a grand - albeit desperate - measure to win her back, and she was blowing him off!

Grumbling to himself again, he decided he was going to drown himself in work until she came around and decided to come to him. It probably wouldn't be too long, not with how irresistibly sexy and desirable he was. Not to mention that she had almost always been the first one to initiate their makeout sessions, so he knew she was into him.

Growling, he yelled for Kamek, who appeared before the king looking annoyed with him. Well, that was a shock for Bowser. It was shocking enough to distract him from the reason for calling the magikoopa in the first place. Kamek didn't tend to show his annoyance this blatantly. He usually reserved it for sarcastic remarks.

"Yes, sire?" he asked, his tone normal.

Bowser huffed. "What're you looking at me like that for?"

"I'm not looking at you like anything, sire."

"Yes you are, you're giving me a dirty look!"

"I would do no such thing, your Brutishness," Kamek said, over exaggerating the last word. "I may be displeased with you, but that doesn't mean that I'm giving you any kind of look. Now, what did you need me for?"

"What do you mean you're 'displeased' with me?"

Kamek let out a heavy sigh, staying quiet for a moment before finally saying what he'd wanted to say. "You really thought kidnapping Peach again after all this time was really going to make her come around? You really, truly believed that?"

Now it was Bowser's turn to stay quiet. Then, he shrugged. "I thought so at first. I mean, it wasn't like she hated me the first time around."

"Well, you have to remember, sire, she thought you lied to her about two very big things," Kamek sighed, floating close to the king and putting a small, wrinkly hand on his shoulder. "You saw how upset she was the day she left. People don't get over that kind of hurt easily."

"But it's been months!"

"And are you completely over her?" Kamek huffed, raising a brow. Bowser clammed up as the magikoopa sighed again. "Look, I get it, this is difficult for you. You never got to really learn how to deal with matters like this properly. But that doesn't mean you can just kidnap the woman you're in a fight with, that's ridiculous."

The koopa king looked away, ashamed with himself. "Well...what do I do? What can I do to make things right with her?"

The advisor sighed, patting the king's shoulder before making his clipboard appear. He scribbled on some blank paper before humming and handing it to Bowser.

"Well, these are the best florists, bakeries, and personal goods stores in the Darklands," he started. Bowser quickly snapped to attention, nodding along. "If you can't get through to her with your words, and you can't get through to her with your actions, maybe you can try through gifts. It's an admittedly cheap way, but you never know."

Bowser grinned, still nodding along and now getting excited. He was ready to try anything to get his lady back. Sure, he could wait for her to come around, but he missed her sweet smile too much to truly wait. All he could hope was that this would actually work.

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