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You walked onto the old train that seemed to creak and moan with age. Another day of going into the rich kid's neighborhood to do some shopping and coming back to the narrows. Well, it's going back to the narrows, you weren't quite to your stop yet.

Though that didn't matter. What mattered was that your legs felt like jelly, and the bags you were holding started to hurt your hands. So you sat down setting the bags between my legs. You knew where you were going, and placing them anywhere else ran the risk of getting them stolen. Which, in your opinion, would probably ruin your day.

Even then, the midnight train was a little peaceful. The soft noise of the night and train always puts your heart at rest. Something like that was a blessing in this city.

Minutes blurred to hours as the train chugged on. Only stopping to let in passengers that never were there. No one in their right mind rode the Narrows bond train at this time, maybe never. Well except you, maybe you were dumb or just didn't care enough. Either one really.


The train stopped with a screeching moan of pain, making me pick up my bags. The last stop of the night, so it was either get off or get thrown off. I decided to get off by myself, thank you.

I walked out into the cold night feeling myself bask in it. The city really did come alive in the night, especially the crime. God, I wish I could hire bodyguards. It makes walking through the narrows while holding a bag much easier. At least the vigilantes existed.

Sadly I didn't have a superhero looking over me so I would be making the journey myself, it wasn't like I hadn't done it before. I walked out of the raggedy train station and immediately started to walk behind the buildings.

I didn't think it was a good idea to walk in plain view just waiting to be robbed. I found it funny that it was safer to walk crime-ridden alleys than the main street. The people of the Narrows always kept to themselves, though.

Always looking away and minding their business, I think that is why I liked the Narrows. You could walk the streets covered in blood and no one would blink an eye, to be fair, no one would help you either. Not even sparing a glance of pity.

I think that's why I stopped once I saw him.


Some back alley love [ yandere DC x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now