[1] Bleeding man

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Warning: Gore, threats of violence, awkward interactions


I stared at the injured man. I knew him, everyone in Gotham did. The infamous Scarecrow lay in front of me, bleeding out. His burlap-covered chest rose and fell slowly as blood gushed from his side, staining the burlap a dark crimson.

"Well shit," I said bending down to stare at the lanky man. His face was covered in a burlap mask that was slightly ripped showing bloodied skin underneath. Even then it wasn't enough to show his face, just his mouth. I watched breath pass through his lips in short succession. It was obvious he was running the line between death and life closely.

I pondered for a moment and started to look around. I couldn't see the dark knight or his sidekicks anywhere. The dark knight wouldn't leave him here so close to death, so that means this injury wasn't caused by the Bat. If I left him here he'd probably bleed out before anyone could help him.

I glance at my bags and sign.

"This, this is gonna be hard," I muttered pushing all my bags to one arm before going to grab the infamous Scarecrow.


I whipped down the Scarecrow's face with a damp cloth, seeing some grime wash away. I couldn't help but stare at the little bumps and scratches on his face. Even if he's a terrifying criminal, I couldn't help but admire his beauty.

My eyes wandered farther seeing his chest covered with bandages. I wouldn't lie, it was embarrassing stripping him while he was unconscious, not to mention awkward.

I couldn't salvage his costume so I cut it off with some scissors. I was just glad he had the decency to wear some boxers under all of it. Even then the bandages covered most of his body now.

I patched up all of the wounds and made sure they were clean. I've seen a lot of blood and gore in the narrows and had to patch a lot of wounds. So this was nothing new. I glance back at his face as he rests. I watched as his mouth moved slightly with each breath.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Seems you're not gonna wake up any time soon, such a shame," I said. I stoop up from the bedside chair and take one more glance at him before making my exit.

I walked out of my apartment's guest room and walked down the small hallway. I looked over the pile of dishes and bags of groceries I hadn't put away yet.

I sighed again and stretched "Well, better late than never." I muttered and pushed up my sleeves.


I carefully stepped into the guest room holding some food. It's been about a day and a half since I started to take care of the criminal. He was still asleep, much to my dismay. I looked over him for a second seeing no sign he was awake today either.

I sighed and placed the food on the bedside table. "You know if you keep sleeping. I might just have to take you to the hospital, and neither of us wants that." I said pulling out the bedside chair for me to sit.

I was stopped from sitting down when a bony hand wrapped around my wrist. My eyes widened as I was pulled and pinned to the bed. I gaped feeling hands wrap around my throat and someone sitting on top of me.

"Where am I?" A tired voice croaked out, obviously in need of water. I started gagging at the pressure on my throat. On top of me was the famous Scarecrow or as some used to call him, Jonathan Crane.

He sat on top of my thighs keeping my legs pinned and had his hands wrapped around my throat. He squeezed a little harder his eyes catching my hands moving to catch his wrist, obviously a threat of what would happen if I moved again. He was surprisingly strong for a skinny guy.

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