[2] Without fear

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Warning: Awkward interaction, fluff


I pulled out my apartment key from my pocket as I struggled to hold up my bags. It was a long day at work and an even longer train ride home. I quickly unlocked the door and closed it behind me, making sure to lock it.

The house was quiet except for the hum of the TV in the other room. I walked into the kitchen and started to put away everything I got from the grocery store. After I put away all of the food and grabbed something easy on the stomach.

I walked over to where Mr. Crane was staying and knocked softly "May I come in?" I asked hearing a raspy voice replay with a "Come in".

I opened the door seeing Mr. Crane idly flipping through pages of the book I gave him. I glanced over to the empty plate before smiling.

It's been a few days since I took Mr. Crane off the streets and he's finally started to let his guard down. He was eating more and finally letting me help him.

I still remember the other day watching him struggle to get up to go to the bathroom because he didn't want my help.

"I hope you're feeling a bit better," I said coming closer and sitting down. The man huffed at me before taking a glance.

"What is that, if I may ask?" he grumbled at me and stared at the bag in my hand. I smiled and pulled out some clothes that weren't my size.

"I got some clothes for you. Since your old ones were in pretty bad shape." I said laying out all of the clothes I got him, most of them were just comfy loungewear. He stared for a moment and I smiled.

"Not everything might be too size but I tried my best with what I had. It should all fit but if it doesn't, just tell me and I'll return it." I said as his eyes seemed to stare at a specific piece of clothing before speaking up.

"How do you know what size my boxer is?" he asked slowly. I paused and stared at him.

"You do realize that you're in your boxer at the moment and I had to strip you to treat you," I said as he glanced down and simply nodded with a light blush.

"I'll leave you to get changed, but before that. Is there anything you'd like for dinner?" I asked grabbing the dirty plate left on the table. I watch him pause, his lips forming a thin line.

"Do what you will." He grumbled, turning away from me. "Chicken Pot pie it is then!" I laughed leaving him alone to start dressing himself.


That strange girl left with a skip in her step. That cheery girl was always smiling while talking about her day to me. I tried to ignore her each time but she would keep talking even without my input.

That soft voice almost sounded like velvet, how irritating it was.

Still, that sing-song voice echoed in my head, no matter how hard I tried to shake it out. I sighed glancing down at the clothes on my lap.

I grabbed the seam of one and pulled out the tag, my eyes widening at the price.

"What a dumb girl. Why would she get something so expensive that will just be covered in blood later?" I mumbled running my hand along the fabric. It was soft enough that it wouldn't irritate my bandages. That was probably why it was so expensive as well.

I slipped the comfortable shirt over my head, liking the way it brushed against my skin. This whole place felt comfortable in a way.

I sighed again, suddenly snapping out of my wishful thoughts. I dressed myself quickly before wobbling over to the door, feeling the ache in my bandages.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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