Chapter 4- Princess's project

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557 words

Hi! what are you all looking at?.." asking, a tall demon turned to you. "The princess of hell getting laughed at!" the demon burst into laughing. "That's not nice you know.." you mumbled leaning your hands into the glass panel.

"I believe that every demon should have a chance in redemption! and this is why im opening the first of its kind! a hotel, to rehabilitate sinners!" the princess spoke, excitement in her voice. "Is this live?.." you asked softly feeling sorry for the princess.

"Yeah! be sure that it is!" a clown demon spoke, slapping his kneecaps in laughing. Unforeseen, the demon princess began singing a song, you admired it as the demons around you cringed.

Finishing the song, no claps, voices or even commotion were heard, just a guy saying "wow, that was shit!" and then everyone begun laughing the shit outta themselves.

"What in the nine circles, makes you think a single denizen of hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?!" a blonde female whit orange-red eyes, short blonde hair and a red dress mocked the princess. Her name was Katie Killjoy and she looked like a fucking Karen to be honest.

Walking away from the glass panel, you now heard demons everywhere you were going, talking and mocking the princess's project. You really felt bad for her, she didn't deserve such hate, all she did was trying to help demons.


Buying some f/d whit the money you still had from when alive, you sat down on a bench overthinking. 'I can't see that poor little helpless soul like that, i gotta help her whit her project, she might be alone and getting hate might make her depressed! Also..if i rehabilitate, maybe i can met Al up there in heaven!..." you tought to yourself, taking a sip from your f/d.

"I's Husk right now?.." unforeseen, your purse begun glowing. Looking in it, you noticed both the voodoo dollies glowing a tint of purple, smoke coming out of their hands and surrounding your upper top of the face.

"Wh-what's..this..." images began appearing in front of you, it was like you were in another person's body and could see everything they saw. Looking carefully, you noticed two furry hands whit big and long sharp claws, some yellow hearts palm prints, the fur being white and black.

You also discovered that you had the ability of hearing what the person hears, so you listen carefully, maybe getting some clues. "Ah Husker my good friend! haven't seen you in a while! did i?~" a familiar voice spoke, growlings being heard.

"What do you want from me this time you son of a bitch?.." a low and deep voice spoke, reminding you of New Orleans. Was the person you were watching over now, the old Husk you knew? the one you met in the woods?..

Listening more carefully, you actually found out where Husk was, at the Happy Hotel. The princess's project. So for the old days's sakes, you decided to pay a visit and see how he's doing.

Defocusing yourself, you come back to reality, the smoke surrounding you dissapearing, the voodoo dollies not glowing anymore.

Placing them carefully back in your purse, you stand up and head into the hotel's direction.

"Here i go!..".

!DISCONTINUED! ♡𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙇𝙤𝘃𝗲 ♡︎ || (Alastor x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now