Chapter 7- Dinner

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768 words

Chills. Chills and anxiety were everything you were feeling at the moment, but as looking at the person who just spoke, it decreased remarkably.

He was a deer demon as the ears and black antlers showed. He was dressed in a dark red suit, along whit dark burgundy pants, a black cross underneath his suit, on his dress-shirt or whatever he had on him.

His yellow chompers were showed by a cheshire smile, reaching his red eyes and pointy noise. His short red hair whit black endings, covering the corners of his mouth. He also had a bright red microphone-cane looking thingy in his hand.

"So?.." his eyes lowered on you, making a few steps further. He was so tall, like 7ft, and it made you look at him like you were looking at the ceiling. That tall was he.

"I Y-..i mean, im Dollie the Creep!" your voice was shaky and also showing signs of fear. "Hmm, what an adorable name, it a fake name?~" he leaned in your face making you take a few steps back.

"Uh, no! its not! that's my..real name!" you spoke chuckling nervous. "Alright! im the Radio Demon! the one and only infamous radio host! pleasure to meet you dear!~" he took your hand forcibly and shook it.

"A-alright!..heh..". 'That radio demon is giving me lots of familiar vibes, is he....nahh, it couldn't be him! that's one at a milion chances pff! that's just another hungry for power shitty demon!' thinking to yourself, you're interrupted by Husk who forcibly pressed your shoulders making you sit.

"Let's eat Dollie, you have work to do next!" Husk spoke, everyone sitting down, even that radio demon. "Woffk? waff woffk?" Muffled words escaped your mouth.

"If you stay here, you need to work and do the hotel's chores!" Charlie spoke swallowing her cold food. "Atleast, i don't have to work at that porn studio anymore!"

"Porn studio?!" Husk wiped a piece of food from the corner of his mouth then threw you a weirdly overprotective look.

"Uh, yeah, when i got to hell i met a guy Valentino, who was the porn studio's boss, that's also where i met Angel, but it doesn't matter, now that i will get..." unforeseen you stoped.

"Do i get paid for doing work?" you asked Charlie as she nodded "yeah, everyone gets!" she spoke.


"Wow, who made this? its delicious!" Charlie asked stuffing food in her mouth. "I did! Ahahaho~" the radio demon said as you played whit your food then remembered something.

"Ah! this jambalaya remembers me of the 1920! such good days! and i pretty knew someone who someday cooked jambalaya for me and if i would be honest, it tasted exactly like this!" you exclaimed then covered your mouth.

'YOU GAVE TOO MUCH DETAILS!!' thinking to yourself, you stand up. "I'll uh..i'll go to the bathroom!". Running away, entering in a bathroom, leaning on the sink, you look into the mirror.

A tear escaped your eye, you really needed comfort from someone, but couldn't go ask Husk for it, the dining room was still full of people.

Slamming your fist into the marble sink, your so-called voodoo dollies appeared in your right hand. "What? did these two appear in my hand?..all i did was slamming my fist.." spoking softly, you slammed it again, and the dollies were gone.

Thinking of a flower pot, you slammed your fist and it appeared in your hand, slamming it again, it disappeared.

"Okay but holy shit- i love this new ability!! but, i should get back to the table, i think the jambalaya's cold already.." speaking to yourself, leaving the bathroom, you see Husk.

"Oh sorry Y/n, i've eaten your jambalaya already! it was getting cold! sorry!" he spoke as you chuckled. "Its okay Huskie.." "Huskie?.." "I UHH..I MEAN.." "no N/n, its okay! i pretty like it!" you nodded.

"Ah Husk, go away!" the radio demon unforeseen pushed the cat demon away, then clicked his fingers and Husk disappeared. "WHAT? what did you do to Husk?!" you spoke worriedly.

"Ah, don't worry Dollie dear! he's at the bar!" you nodded as he grabbed your shoulders and begun pushing you forward to the big door that leads to the outside.

"Wh-what are you doing?.." asking, he lowered his eyes on you, his grin widening like his face was about to rip in half. "Nothing dear, just showing you places around hell then maybe take you on a date~".

"ON A W H A T?!-"

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