Chapter 6- Oh Husk?

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451 words

~knock knock~

Waking up, you shook your head and let the dollies on the bed. Opening your room door, your eyes met that spider demon Angel Dust.

"Angel? what are you doing here? and..why are you in this hotel?.." asking he looked at you weirdly. "Ohh! Dollie! you're also staying in this hotel? i guess this is both our newest home.." the gay spider exclaimed.

"Yeah, i uh..guess.." you spoke shyly looking at the ground. "Anyways toots i came here to announce you that dinner is ready and that you should come!" you nodded as he spoke.

"O-oh..alright!" Angel then took your hand and ran whit you down the stairs into the lobby, then into the dining room where Vaggie, Charlie and another two persons were seated.

One of them was really familiar to you, it was a black and white cat whit thick red eyebrows and black eyes whit golden pupils, the hands being the most familiar to you. Those were the hands you saw when discovering that ability.

Sitting down, you look insistently at the cat. "What the fuck yo looking at?!" the grumpy cat said. "What's your name?..." you asked impatiently.

"Uh, Husk!" he spoke drinking from his bottle of booze. You widened your eyes "W-WHAT?! HUSK?!" he threw you a confused look. "Yeah?..what's wrong?.."

"Im Y/n-" covering your mouth you gulped. "I meant..D-Dollie.." he sat up confused and came to you. "Did you die bc of smoke?..." he spoke as you nodded slightly. "Aaand did you die bc of gunshots?.." he nodded.

"Husk?.." "Y/n?.." you both hugged eachother tight. "Oh my god Husk..i missed you lots!!" you spoke, a tear shedding out. "I did too N/n!" he spoke, his deep voice raising a little.

"Do you know eachother?.." Vaggie suddenly spoke, as you nodded roughly. "Yeah, we met in a forest when alive! and we became friends really fast!" you spoke, Vaggie nodding and sitting back down.

"Hi im Niffty! Nice to meet you Y/n! you look really adorable!!" a short cyclops girl whit short red hair and a bulky dress came to you and shook your hand roughly. "Your name is Y/n?.." Charlie spoke amazed.

"NO! It's Dollie the Creep! my friend was Y/n! heheh.." you lie as she slowly nods.
"Ah, Husker my good friend! mind presenting me this little gal you have here?..."

!DISCONTINUED! ♡𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙇𝙤𝘃𝗲 ♡︎ || (Alastor x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now