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Luna had been making slow progress with Regulus. Whilst at first he tried his best to ignore her. He soon realised that it wouldn't work with her constantly chatting to him and being his partner in both Transfiguration and DADA. Eventually giving up, he decided it was best to make polite chit chat with her so she wouldn't keep pestering him. He had been subject to great teasing from his friends who believed Luna to be in love with him. He, however, didn't believe this to be the case. She looked most as though she knew something she really wanted to tell him but kept thinking better of it. As for her Slytherin friend Alyssa, he avoided her as she was a muggleborn and he couldn't bear anymore teasing from him friends- solely Barty Croutch Jr and Evan Rosier. They were his two main friends as they could sympathise with what he was going through- going through similar situations themselves. Like him, they held no great wish to become deatheaters, but had done anyway out of fear and pressure.

Regulus was currently being dragged along by fellow deatheaters on some mission to 'teach those mudbloods a lesson.' He didn't like the sound of that and was glad he was not on the receiving end of whatever lesson was being taught. They soon found Luna and Alyssa chatting and reading in the middle of a grassy field. He felt very bad for them.

Bellatrix grinned and crept over to where they sat, but before they could do anything, the marauders appeared. Typical!
Alyssa was chatting with Luna when she heard Sirius' loud ignorant voice. Great! She looked up with annoyance.
'How can I help you Black?'
'Nice to see you too Granger,' he smirked. The Slytherins exchanged glances from behind a tree, watching the scene with interest.

'We were just interested in your patronus, or should I say patronus'! I believe you have 3 of them.'

'She has 3 patronus'?' Bella murmured.

'Whose exactly were they?' James.
'Hm...Let's see- oh yeah. None of your fucking business,' Alyssa shot back.

'I hate her, but this is great to watch!' Bellatrix said with a snort and the others nodded in agreement.

'Let's go Lyssa,' murmured Luna.
'Aw! Cutting the fun short so soon?'
'What's that?' Sirius lunged forwards and grabbed the necklace thing hanging from around her neck. That's when Alyssa got mad. Not in a shouting way, but is a deadly quiet voice filled with so much venom it was shocking.
'Give that back Black.'
'I think I might hold onto it thanks.'
'Sirius Black, you've better give that back, it's not yours to take. You're stealing.' Luna adds heatedly.

'What snapped Loony out of her dream world?' Mused Rudolphus, 'that necklace must be pretty important.' Regulus couldn't help agreeing. Luna seemed to always be in a dreamy state and yet now she looked fuming.
He then noticed that a couple of other Gryffindors had arrived although they didn't look in support of the marauders.

When Lily and Marlene arrived, they were met by the marauders sneering at a very angry Alyssa and a ticked off looking Luna which surprised them all because their friend was usually very calm. They soon worked out that Sirius had taken Alyssa's necklace.
'Sirius give it back,' Lily sighed.
'What's it to you Evans? Why is this old thing so important to you anyway Granger.' Alyssa got angrier.
'Thats none of your business Black, now give me back my necklace.'
He examined it a then exclaimed,
'Its a ring and it's not even yours!'
'Look, it has the Gryffindor emblem of it- looks like an heirloom. Who did you steal it off then Granger?'
'I didn't steal it you prat, I was given it.'
'Likely story. You're a thief.'
'I'm warning you.' Luna practically growls which makes many jump.

'Sirius, just stop messing about and give Alyssa back her ring.' Marlene finally stood forwards in annoyance at Sirius. How could he say that to her?
'Oh! First name basis with the snake? I thought you were better than that McKinnon?' James bites back.

The Slytherins were watching in surprise at what was happening. They were shocked that the Gryffindors were fighting over a Slytherin.

'Well it's just a piece of junk anyway, I'll let the squid have it.' Sirius smirked and threw the ring into the black lake.

There was a moment of silence and then Alyssa ran to the waters edge and dived in. Luna chased after,
'Lyssa! Come back. Godric! Black you moron, why the fuck would you do that. If Alyssa is hurt then you're a dead man,' she threatens menacingly. Everyone looked shocked at her but more shocked that Alyssa just dived into a lake with a giant squid to find a ring.

The Slytherins emerged from behind the tree and joined the Gryffindors in staring at the lake, their feud forgotten temporarily. Regulus could not believe that girl just risked her life for an old ring. And a Gryffindor one too!
About a minute went by before Luna pulled her robes off to reveal only her skirt and sweater.
'Screw it!' She said before running in after her friend. The others stared speechlessly after her. Bella started,
'Did she just-'
'Yup!' Marlene said staring in despair on the lakes surface, 'Merlin! Sirius I can't believe you did that, think before you do something idiotic. They could be hurt.' She glares daggers at him.
'It's not my fault, they didn't have to go after it. It was just an old ring anyway.'
He said in annoyance but was silenced by the glares he got not only from Marlene and Lily, but the Slytherins and Remus too.

Alyssa wasn't really sure what she was thinking when she dived in after the ring, however, it meant so much to her that she was determined to find it.
The water was icy and cold, however she swum to the bottom of the lake to roughly where the ring landed and bean to search. She rooted through the weeds and sand, searching desperately. When she was just starting to loose hope. She felt the cold metal of a ring against her fingers. She grabbed in and grinned in the water at it. She didn't see the rock though, the large rock which jutted out and she unluckily bashed her head on, she blinked dizzily and her eyes fluttered closed as she lost consciousness. That's when she saw her, an angel, bright blonde hair and blue eyes and... no wait she gained some sense that's just Luna. Luna! Then she passed out.

Luna dived into the water with determination she hadn't felt in ages, not since the battle of Hogwarts. She may look like a dreamy lunatic, but she could be sensible and brave when needed. Like that moment.

She swum for about 10 seconds to she saw Alyssa's body floating in the water, facing up. Her dark silky hair was spread in the water around her, and a crimson cloud by her head was becoming bigger and bigger by the second. Blood she thought o herself.
Luna thought she saw a flicker of a smile cross across the unconscious girl's face but then it was gone.

She swum to her side and grabbed her waist before swimming her to the surface.


The group of unlikely students stared at the water where Luna just disappeared after Alyssa. Then the two girls burst out of the water. Luna had her arm around Alyssa, and seemed to be pulling her to shore which worried them as she looked hurt.

Luna pulled her out into the grass and shook her shoulders gently.
'Lyssa, Hey! C'mon, you're okay.'
She stirred slightly before sitting up dizzily. She brought her hand to her head which was throbbing painfully, only to feel something warm and sticky.

When she brought her hand quickly from her head, she saw that it was covered in her blood. Luna hugged her gently and then pulled her to her feet. 'Lily, could you possibly tell Madame Pomfrey Alyssa is hurt and I'm bringing her?'
'Of course,' the redhead ran off towards the castle quickly. Marlene took in the shivering bloody girl and quickly pulled off her dry robes and draped it around her before grabbing Luna's dry robes and passing them to her. She smiled gratefully at her.

Then she turned to Sirius and slapped him hard across the face making everyone wince.
'You're lucky I didn't do worse.' She hissed before casting a levitating charm on Alyssa and walking towards the castle.

The marauders and Slytherins were left frozen for a minute, before they ran off their separate ways clearly shocked at what just happened.

Alyssa was fine and only had to stay at the hospital wing overnight.

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