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The four Gryffindors walked into the next rooms, to find a bunch of tiny, flying objects.
'Curious. I've never seen birds like these.'
'They're not birds, they're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door.'

They stopped in front of two broomsticks.
'What's this all about?'
'I don't know. Lyss?'
'I'm not sure.'

Ron then took his wand and he and Hermione slowly walked over to the next door.
Harry looked up at Ron who looked sheepish.
'Well, it was worth a try.'
'Uhh! What are we going to do? There must be 1,000 keys up there.'
'There's a keyhole here. We're looking for one big, old-fashioned one. Probably rusty, like the handle.'

A majority of people looked surprised and impressed with his deduction.

'Impressive Ron.' Alyssa complimented him with a pat on the  back.
Harry looked up, instantly finding the right one, yelling out.
'There! I see it! The one with the broken wing.'

Harry looked at the brooms suspicious.
'What's wrong, Harry?'
'It's too simple.'
'Oh, go on, Harry! If Snape could catch it on on of those old broomsticks, you can. You're the youngest seeker in a century.'

Harry nodded in appreciation, determination becoming more evident in his expression. He paced towards the broom and when he was about to grab it he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Alyssa there.
'I think I should go first.'
'I agree with you, this seems to simple. I'll go first to make sure it's safe and then you can come because, let's be honest, you're clearly the most valuable here.'

'That's so sweet of you.' Lily said to her with a smile, embracing her. And the others looked to her with a few found respect.

Harry looked touched.
'You're just as important as me Lyss.'
'Not in the grand scheme of things.'
'Are you sure?'
'Totally. What's the worst that can happen?'

'I reckon you just jinxed that.' Evan said and Alyssa nodded,
'Yeah, that one's on me.'

'Be careful Ali.' Hermione called out before running over to hug her.
As soon as she grasped the handle, the keys started attacking her.

'Shit.' Marlene swore.
'That's not good.' Sirius muttered.

'This complicates thing a bit.'
'A bit?'
'More like a lot.'
'Harry, grab the broom and get the key, I'll distract the other keys.'
'On it!'
'Be careful.'

Harry used his quidditch skills to fly after the key they were after as Alyssa flew ahead, leading the keys after her around the room. He pulled ahead of the other keys and grabbed the rusty key.

'Catch the key!'

Alyssa kept the keys distracted and away from Ron and Hermione, who used the key to unlock the door as Harry landed.
'Hurry up!'
They got the door open, running through as Alyssa flew through, the keys hitting the door and becoming stuck.

'They all sighed in relief.
'And there I was worrying about my grades in first year, meanwhile, look at them!' Alice exclaimed in disbelief and awe. Alyssa grinned,
'What can I say, I guess we're just special.'

They entered the next room, finding gigantic statues.
'I don't like this. I don't like this at all.'
'Where are we?'
'A graveyard.'
'This is no graveyard. It's a chessboard.'

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