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They came out of the pensieve and sat around on the sofas as Alyssa picked up the next vial, labelled "A.Granger 1".
'Ready for the next memories?'
'Hang on a sec, I feel like we got over Reg and Marlene being your parents real fast.' Sirius pointed out.
'Yeah, I did not see that coming.' Lily agreed, 'although it does make sense...other that the fact Marls is gay.'
'Part of me is disgusted and the other is not surprised cause who else would create such an amazing child other than me.' Marlene said.
'Aw.' Alyssa smiled.

'Wait! I just had a great idea.' Marlene gasped.
They all looked at her expectantly.
'Okay, okay. So hear me out, Regulus dies.'

'Oh yeah, great idea.' Regulus nodded, a look of offence passing over his face as the others looked at Marlene incredulously.
'I feel like there should be more to this great plan other than Regulus dying.' Barty said, 'I mean, I'll admit the guy gets on my nerves a bit, but-'

'I'm getting there!' Marlene cut him off, 'what I was saying, is Regulus dies, and then Dorcas and me raise Alyssa together! Or, Regulus dies and then-'
'Just to skip ahead real quick, do any of your plans involve me staying alive, or...' Regulus interjected making Marlene pause, a frown on his face.
'Well I suppose you could...no wait, that wouldn't work...what if...no, uh...nope, sorry, you dying seems to be inevitable.'
'Splendid, just checking.' Regulus nodded.

'Can I tell our parents?' Sirius smirked.
'Huh?' Regulus frowned.
'That you have a kid with a Gryffindor lesbian blood traitor and said kid is also a Gryffindor blood traitor who was raised by muggles and is best friends with the guy who half killed Voldemort. God I'm so gonna be off the hook after this, I'll be the frickin golden child at this rate.' Sirius burst out laughing.
'Fuck off.' Regulus rolled his eyes.

'Can we please watch the next memories?' Bella asked impatiently, 'I wanna know what happens and what other memories Dumbledore took from Alyssa.'
Remus nodded his agreement,
'Yes, please.'

Alyssa frowned,
'When are these memories even from?'
'Let's find out and watch them!' Peter exclaimed.

'Hey, guys. Look at this.' Cissa suddenly said catching their attention.
'One of Dumbledore's memories, it's dated the day before James and Lily died...and it has Peter's name on it.'
'Huh?' Alyssa frowned, walking over to her. Cissa passed her the vial, sure enough it's label had Peter's names on it and 30/10 on it.

'What do you think it is?' Peter asked.
'I don't think it's a memory he took from you, I think it's a memory of you. This might have something to do with what you said about Dumbledore in third year.' Alyssa theorised.
'Are there any others like it?' Evan asked.
They was a moment of silence where only the clinking of vials was audible as everyone searched the memories til Pandora called out,
'Here! Peter Pettigrew, blah blah, here, 6/11, it's a bit after but...'

Alyssa put the two vials together with a frown,
'What the fuck?'
'That's 6 days after Lily and James died...6 days after Peter Pettigrew was announced dead and Sirius Black named a deatheater and a murderer, then sentenced to Azkaban. This means Dumbledore saw Peter after he was pronounced dead. He knew Sirius was innocent and still let him go to Azkaban...' Alyssa trailed off at the end in shock.

'Holy fucking shit.' Marlene exclaimed in amazement.
'That...no, Dumbledore wouldn't-he couldn't...'  Remus attempted to make sense of it.
'That dick! Is he the reason I got such an unfair trial too?' Sirius asked.
'That would make sense.'
'Well let's watch them!' Andy exclaimed.
'What about the ones about Alyssa?' Xeno asked.
'Them too. We need to watch all of them.' James said.
'Which first?'
'Alyssa's. We were gonna watch them first so we'll watch them and then Peter's.'

'Okay then.'
Alyssa picked up the first vial labelled with her name and tipped the contents into the penseive bowl.

They all entered the memory to see a big room with Marlene sat on the bed, a baby girl in her arms giggling as she rocked her around.

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