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Harry laid in bed in the hospital wing, just waking up. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and turning to seeing Alyssa rousing from her sleep too, Harry put his glasses and then saw the cards and gasped and gained Alyssa's attention who's mouth hung open in surprise.

'Harry! You've so many gifts!'
'Me? Lyss, look at your pile.'
Alyssa turned, eyes widening as she saw her pile...which was double the size of Harry's.

'Whoa!' Bella said.
'You have a lot of presents!' Alice added making Alyssa flush slightly.
'Probably because you seem to be friend with like half the school.' Evan decided.

'Why on earth do I have so many presents?' She asked, scrunching her nose up in confusion.

'Maybe because you helped fight You-know-who?' James said.
'You're so modest.' Lily laughed.
'Intérims that you say that because I'm pretty sure I was the least modest person at Hogwarts.' She giggled and then cocked her head to one side,
'I guess I no longer hold that title now I'm at school with James and Sirius, also known at those with the biggest egos I've ever met.'
'Hey!' Sirius exclaimed indignantly.
'I'll have you know that our egos are perfectly sized.' James continued.
'Sure.' Frank scoffed.

The two friends hear footsteps and turned to see Professor Dumbledore walking in.

'Good afternoon, Harry, Alyssa. Ah. Tokens from your admirers?'

'Admirers?' Cissa said in confusion.

'What happened down in the dungeons between you two and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret. So, naturally, the whole school knows.'

Luna spoke up, 'I don't think they knew what really happened,
I wasn't at the school at the time but I never was told the whole story.'

'And Alyssa, if the pile is anything to go by, I believe you've made an impression on the majority of the male population of Hogwarts.'
Her eyebrows rose in surprise as she looked at the pile again, turning to Harry as she heard him snickering. She scowled and grabbed her pillow and hit him with it.
'Ouch! Sorry Lyss.' Harry squeaked.

Marlene wiggled her eyebrows at Alyssa suggestively, making her groan in annoyance.
'Aw come on, lots of guys out there if you're into it, girls too if you're interested.' She gasped, 'wait, are you gay? If so then touché.'
Alyssa cut her of,
'Marls, I love you but shush, i was in first year- eleven is too young for a boyfriend or girlfriend. And as for my sexuality... watch and see.'

'Lesbian.' Marlene said instantly and Sirius nodded,
'Oh yeah, totally.'
'Really? I think straight- she seems interested in Theo.' Lily mused and Barty and Peter nodded along with Bella and Cissa.
'Bisexual.' Regulus concluded and James hummed in agreement. Regulus continued,
'She just gives me off those vibes y'a know.'
'I get you.' James said, 'I thing her and Daphne would make a solid couple.'
'Now you say that I do see it.' Pandora agreed and Frank nodded,
'Me too.'

Alyssa turned to Luna,
'They do realise I'm right here don't they?'
Luna laughed at her friend's look of disbelief.

'Alyssa, I belief a few of your Slytherin friends have been trying to visit you but dear Poppy takes her job very seriously so no one has been allowed in. That didn't stop them from leaving quite the array of gifts though and constantly asking for you. Theodore especially expressed deep concern for your well-being.' He said giving her a knowing look which she seemingly missed.

They all turned to her grinning making her grumble in annoyance.

'Ah, I see that your friend Ronald has saved you both the trouble of opening your chocolate frogs.'
'He ate my chocolate?' Alyssa said in disbelief.
'Ron was here?' Harry asked.
'And he ate my chocolate! The nerve.'
'Is he all right? What bout Hermione?'
'They are okay, right? What happened to Mia?'
'Fine. They're both just fine.'
'But what happened to the stone?' Harry continued.
'Relax, dears. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat and agreed it was best all around.'
'But then, Flamel...'
'He'll die, won't he?'
'He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order, but, yes, he will die.'
'How is it I got the stone, sir? One minute, I was staring in the mirror, and the next-'
'Ah. You see, only a person who wanted to find the stone - find it, but now use it - would be able to get it.'

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