chapter ten 🪴

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A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family


chapter nine

Currently seven of the eight Host Club members were standing outside of a run down, tiny, one roomed house where the Fujioka residents lived.

They were all in shock, Tamaki holding a box filled with treats while waiting for her to answer the door.

"This can't be right," Tamaki muttered.

"Oh Haruhi," Y/n sighed sadly, looking at the rundown place of living. Haruhi then opened the door, dirt on her face and looking sick.

"Hey everyone. Why don't you come in?" Haruhi offered, they went inside the place, only a single light present. "I know it's not much, but please make yourselves at home. I'll make us some tea," She moved over to the floor. "Um, i'm sorry, we don't have enough cups, but we do have some bowls,"

She put the green tea in the chipped bowls and cups. The group eyeing each other.

"Hey boss. What's with this place? She lives here," Hikaru mentioned.

"Maybe it's some kind of set. You know, like in the movies?" Kaoru hoped.

"I-I-I-I-I-I hope so!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Haruhi, you don't have any books," Y/n realized, looking around.

"Psst, Y/n," Tamaki nudged her shoulder. "Are you okay sweetie?"

"I'm fine," She rolled her eyes, then Tamaki turned back to the twins.

"Calm down you guys. I bet this is the storeroom. I'm positive infinite cosmos is just on the other side of that closet," Tamaki told them.

"Then should we try to open it?"

"Now's not the time!"


"Since you guys decided to come by at lunch time, my dad said it would be rude if I didn't offer you something to eat," Haruhi told them, opening up a cabinet. "We've been fasting for three days to save up money to buy something suited by your taste. But it's all worth it as long as you guys like it,"

She showed them a sushi sampler that you could find at a commoners market.

"It was marked down at the supermarket, how about that?" The other members just stared at the girl in shock.

"Sorry we came to visit Haru-chan! Don't make us eat it!" Honey yelled.

"Be strong men, Y/n will be upset if we upset her friend, and Haruhi has suffered for our benefit," Tamaki told the twins, then taking the chopsticks and looking at the food. "It's the least we could do,"

"But sir, i'm not even sure this is fish!" Kaoru complained.

"Wow! I can't believe it! Isn't this a piece of fancy tuna, and i'm getting to eat it with Y/n," Haruhi admired the tuna in her hand.

"Oh no," Y/n muttered, taking some of the sushi. "This, I think I'm going to be sick," She got up and rushed out of the house.


"No Y/n, don't eat that! Haruhi, that's not fancy tuna!" Tamaki yelled, sitting up quickly in his bed. His breathing was labored, as if he just woke up from a nightmare. "Just a dream," He sighed.

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