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⚠️guys are alive⚠️
Julie's POV
Can't believe it's finally here!!
Hope all those trainings with Luke pay off!
I better do good.
Oh no
What if I fail??
I cant fail!
I HAVE to pass!

"Julie your ready?!" My dad shouts from downstairs. Oh god it's time.

"Um- define ready." I say walking down the stairs.

"It's gonna be fine Jules! You will pass." He says.

"I don't know. What if I don't?! What will happen then?!" I say worriedly.

"It'll be fine! When I saw how you were driving yesterday, everything looked good. You should pass." He says. "Now let's go! We don't wanna be late."

"Ok." I say, my heart pounding with worry.

Once we get there, my dad parks the car and we go into the building.

(A/n once again I have no idea how this actually works so I'm makin things up lol)

"Julie Molina?" A lady comes into the room.

"Yea thats me." I say standing up.

"It's your turn." She says.

"Ok." I say following her.

"Are you nervous?" She asks while we're walking.

"A little." I lie. I'm terribly nervous. If only Luke was here. He always knows how to calm me down.

"You'll be fine." She says. She takes me to the car that I will be tested with and I sit down at the drivers seat.

(A/n this sounds sooo weird... def not how it actually happens but JUST GO WITH IT)

"Hello, I'm Marissa and I'll be testing you today." The lady sitting at the passengers seat says.

"Hi, I'm Julie." I say.

"Ok, so you ready?" She asks.

"Yep!" I say.

"Alrighty then, let's start!" She says. I start the engine, and start driving, following the directions she gives me. After the test, I park the car while she writes stuff down on her clipboard.

"Ok.. you passed! Everything went smoothly!" She says.

"Really? Yay!!" I say relieved.

"Congratulations! Let's go back inside." She says. We get back inside, and I play sad to trick my dad into thinking that I failed.

"Aww honey, it's ok you'll get it next time." He says, after seeing my facial expression.

"Yea well.. I passed!" I say changing it to happy.

"Really?! Woohoo! My daughter has her drivers license! Congratulations mija!" He says excitedly. "One quick second I have to make a call."

"Oh um ok.." I say as he leaves the building. After about a minute, he comes back and gestures for me to go back to the car. In the car, we blast music until we get home. We walk in, and Carlos congratulates me, as well as tia. I look into each of the boys rooms but they weren't there, they're probably in the studio. I go over to the studio, but before I walk in I can see that the lights were turned off. Maybe they're not here? I'll just check any-

"SURPRISE!!" Luke, Reggie, and Alex shout, popping out of no where, turning on the lights.

"Guys! What is this?!" I say looking around the studio. It's all decorated.

"We threw you a party for passing your test!" Luke says. "Congrats by the way!" He says hugging me, nearly picking me up.

"Congrats Julie!" Reggie and Alex say, joining the hug.

"Thanks! You guys are too adorable for this!!" I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Can we eat the cake nowwww?" Reggie whines, slouching. I laugh.

"Sure Reg." I say, turning his frown into a smile as he runs over to the table and grabs the knife to cut the cake.

"So was the test hard for you? Oh who am I kidding you Julie! Nothings hard for you! You can do anything." Alex says.

"Haha you sweet but no it wasn't hard at all actually. It kinda just went by pretty smooth." I say.

"Well I take %50 of the credit since I basically taught you everything there is about driving, well the important stuff at least." Luke says, taking a bite of his slice of cake.

"Sure Luke, sure." I say chuckling.

"OH I almost forgot!" Alex says a small gift.

"Alex you better not have gotten me a car.." I say.

"Hah well I would've.. if I had enough money, so no. But it is something for your future car." He says.

"We wanted to give you something to hang up so that we're with you everywhere you go." Reggie says. "Wait that came out wrong.."

I open the gift revealing a keychain, that has a ghost, combing 3 of the guys' special outfit choices. A phany-pack for Alex, a necklace that Reggie always wears for Reg, and a beanie for Luke.

"That's so cute!" I say holding it up. "Thanks you guys!" I say hugging each one of them, Luke a little longer then the rest.

"No problem Jules!" Luke says into my shoulder, while I was hugging him.

"Your welcome Julie! We love you lots!" Reggie says.

"Well Luke a little differently.." Alex mumbles.

"Huh?" I say.

"NOTHING! Uh just.. um yes nothing.." Alex says suspiciously.

"Okay.. well I'm gonna go tell Flynn the news!" I say, then heading to my room.

Luke's POV
"Really Alex?" I say once Julie leaves.

"What?!" He asks.

"You had to say that I love her differently?!" I say.

"Well you do.." He says.

"Yea but if she knows then it would get awkward between us!" I say.

"Ok ok sorry." He says.

"It's ok, good that she didn't hear." I say.
I wish she did hear.. 😒

-Hanna 🤍

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