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Oop sorryyyy i forgot to post this one-shot yesterday!
credit for idea: @al3x_mercer
Reggie's POV
"Hey Reg!" Alex says walking into the studio where I was sitting in alone. I jump.

"Oh uh hey." I say.

"Um you ok?" He asks.

"Y-yea I'm fine." I say. I'm not though.

"Um ok.. wanna rehearse?" He asks.

"Huh? Oh yea sure.." I say.

"Alrighty let's play some music!" Luke says walking in with Julie.

"Hey Reg!" She says to me.

"Hey Jule." I say.

"Mkay lets starts off with.. 'Finally Free'?" Alex says, twirling his drumstick.

"Sure." Julie says. We start playing the song, and thanks to muscle memory I don't mess up, even though I zoned out. All I hear in my head is "YOUR CRAZY!". It's what my dad said to my mom the day I left. He would always hit her, kick her, slap her, everything. And then he started doing it to me. So I left.

"-ggie! Reggie!" Luke shouts, swinging his hands in front of my face.

"Oh uh yea?" I ask, shaking my head lightly.

"You ok dude?" He asks.

"Uh yea.. I'm fine." I say, gulping back tears. I see Julie sigh quietly. Huh?

"Um alright.." Luke says. We continue playing, moving onto 'Bright'. I tried to focus more but that day kept replaying in my head.


Julie's POV
Is it just me or is Reggie like really distracted and jumpy today?
He keeps saying he's ok but I don't think so.

"Hey Reg, can we talk?" I say, knocking on the frame of his room.

"Oh uh sure.." He says, jumping slightly when he hears me. I see some type of paper in his hands.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to the paper. He shoves it under a pillow.

"Oh um.. it's nothing.." He stutters.

"It's obviously something if you don't want me to see it." I say. "Reg you know you can tell me anything?"

"Yea I know.. somethings just been bothering me lately." He says.

"What is it?" I ask. He takes a deep breath before talking.

"My parents." He says.

"Oh.. what about them? Like the memories?" I ask.

"Yea.. the day that I left. My dad came home really drunk and started cursing and abusing me and my mom.." He says, letting a tear fall down his cheek. I put my hands on his shoulders and turn his body so he's facing me.

"I am so sorry Reg. No one should go through that, especially you. Just know that you are safe now. We all love you here." I say.

"Yea I know. But thanks." He says, smiling sadly. I pull him into a hug, letting him cry a little on my shoulder.

"Your like a big brother to me, and I will keep you safe if it's the last thing I do." I say when we pull away.

"Me too Jules. Love you." He says.

"Love you too." I say.

"I-I should probably get to sleep now." He says.

"Ok. Do you want me to stay just in case you get nightmares?" I ask. He nods.

"Ok, just don't tell Luke before he gets jealous." I say, making him laugh.

"Totally." He says. We get ready to go to sleep and I go say goodnight to each of my boys before going back to Reggie's room and climbing into the bed. Not gonna lie, he has the comfiest bed in the house, well except for my dad's.

"Goodnight big bro." I say.

"Night lil sis." Reg says. I cuddle up into his comforter and let my eyes fall.


Reggie's POV
"YOUR CRAZY!" Dad shouts, coming into the house with an empty beer glass in his hand.


"YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME! YOU BITCH!" Dad shouts, while I was in my room covering my ears. I hear slaps and hits.

"MAYBE I DID?? AND WHY DO YOU CARE??!" My mom shouts.

"MARTY?? REALLY?? WELL NOW YOUR GONNA PAY!" He shouts, ignoring her question. I hear the beer bottle getting smashed. After that I heard a thud.

I jerk up from my sleep, breathing heavily. I feel a hand on my back, and I flinch. I look back and see Julie.

"It's ok, it's ok." He repeats.

"Just a dream just a dream just a dream." I keep repeating with my hands on my face.

"Just breathe." Julie says. I take deep breaths in until my breathing is steady again.

"Ok.. I think I'm ok now. Thank Jules." I say.

"That's why I'm here." She says, smiling at me. I smile back. Thank god for her.
Poor little bean :(

-Hanna 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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