safe and sound (requested)

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You stood off to the side in the front row, eyes full of stars and a big smile on your face as you watched Jennie and the girls pour their hearts and souls out on stage.

They've been touring for the last month or so but this is only the second show you've seen so far since you just surprised your girlfriend yesterday afternoon. But you're captivated with every second they spend on stage.

They put on an incredible show every time, that much was undeniable. And there wasn't a doubt in your mind that the ones you'd see over the next two weeks would be just as spectacular as this one.

You were enjoying yourself. Singing along and smiling when you caught your girlfriend's bright eyes. It was a magical time. So perfect, so marvelous while surrounded by fans who adore your girlfriend and the girls so dearly, and you thought nothing could ruin it.

That was until you noticed the guy pushing past other fans in the crowd. One look at him told you that something was very wrong with him. He had his gaze fixated on Jennie, his tongue coming out to swipe along his dry and chapped lips.

He continued to shove through the crowd of fans, some exclaiming at him and asking what was the matter with him. But he was so in his own head, some fantasy playing through his twisted brain, that nothing else existed to him.

The fans, the girls, you. Everyone else was unnoticed. All he could see in the packed arena was Jennie.

And he only walked closer and closer to the stage, unaware of the confused chatter and concerned eyes behind and around him.

He brushed by you and you caught a glimpse of Jisoo's worried and fear-filled eyes. She tried to mask it for the fans' sake, but she was obviously getting concerned the closer the man got. She too noticed that he was fixated on Jennie and you both locked eyes as you started to feel sick.

Suddenly, he looked as though he was going to jump on stage while he fished for something in his jacket pocket.

You didn't even think twice, it was a gut instinct for you to protect your girlfriend, and you ran to him and jumped onto his back.

He was surprised, to say the least. He fell down, landing on his stomach with a grunt.

He pushed you onto the ground, hitting your head hard before security was rushing over and forcing him to stand up. Fans were backing away out of fear, the girls stopped performing, and Jennie rushed offstage to you.

"Y/n! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. My head just hurts."

You were both rushed backstage. The medics checked you over and much to your relief, it wasn't serious.

Though your head hurt, you couldn't help but feel thankful that you were the only one who got hurt and that it wasn't all that bad. Because you had a feeling that it could've been a lot worse, and security was quick to confirm your fears.

"He was only here to target Jennie. He snuck something in, but we got him locked away now. Everyone is safe. Could've been so much worse."

You leaned your head on Jennie's shoulder while the girls sat around. They felt terrible that you got hurt in the process, but like you, they felt thankful that it didn't end in complete chaos.

"I love you," Jennie whispered in your ear as she hugged you tight and rubbed her hand along your back. "I'm so sorry you got hurt. I feel awful about it."

"You heard what they said, Jen. It could've been way worse. It wasn't your fault. No matter how tonight would've ended, no part of it could ever be your fault. I'm gonna be just fine. I'm just happy you're okay."

She kissed your lips sweetly before gently pushing your head onto her chest. She tucked the blanket over your lap and promised she'd never let you go.

"My hero." She mumbled as she planted kisses on the crown of your head. "Thank you for being so selfless and brave. I don't know what I'd ever do without you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." You whispered against her chest, breath tickling her skin as she tightened her grip on you.

You knew, if you ever had to, you'd do it again, and take even worse for her, if it meant that she'd always be safe and sound.

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