she cheats (requested)

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The first thing you noticed when you arrived home was how quiet and dark the house was.

Since Jennie had the day off today, you thought you'd find her curled up on the sofa binge-watching her favorite show when you kicked off your shoes.

But you didn't see her downstairs anywhere.

You didn't think too much of it at first, brushing it off by telling yourself she was probably sleeping the day away.

You wouldn't blame her if that was the case, because you know how hard she's been working lately and you know she's been lacking sleep.

Thinking she was sleeping soundly upstairs, you took your time in making your way up there.

You grabbed some water and took a deep breath to try and forget all about the difficult day you had.

You wished from the moment that you woke up in Jennie's arms that you could spend the day just like that; wrapped in her warm and secure embrace all day long, letting the hours pass by without any regrets or worries as she'd hold you close and give you the sweetest kisses, kisses you've been craving.

But, unfortunately, you couldn't.

That's okay though because you've got a day off coming up, so you'll get a day like that with your girl soon.

Or, so you thought.

Finishing the glass of cold water, you placed it in the sink before you walked back into the living room.

And that's when you saw something from the corner of your eye that you hadn't seen at first.

A dress.

It was on the very first step, as if someone had taken it off on the way up the stairs.

That was odd.

It didn't look like it belonged to Jennie. It didn't belong to any of the brands she often wears.

And it also didn't make any sense as to why she'd put on a dress when she's home alone, only to take it off on the way up the stairs.

It was confusing and you couldn't deny that it also made a lump appear in your throat.

You walked up the stairs slowly, tiptoeing across the floor as you made your way down the hall to the bedroom.

There was this sinking feeling flooding over you before you even reached the bedroom and as much as you didn't want to admit it, you knew, deep down, that Jennie wasn't alone.

You were trying to rationalize in your brain as to why she might have someone over and to why she might not be alone. It was silly, of course. But you just didn't want to believe it.

But that changed when you pushed the bedroom door open and found Jennie and some stranger in the bed you once shared, kissing passionately as they held each other close.

Jennie's clothes were on the floor and, well, you already know where this woman's clothes were at.

The tears in your eyes blurred your vision and you were trying to find the words to say when you shifted your feet and the floor creaked beneath them.

"What was that?" The woman asked Jennie as she pulled away from the kiss.

"Her girlfriend." You said.

The two of them quickly looked over at you and jumped when they saw you standing there.

"Shit," Jennie cursed as she quickly sat down on the bed, hugging the blanket tightly against her nude body.


Jennie was afraid to look anywhere but at her feet on the hardwood floor.

She could feel you staring at her in anger and she also struggled to look at the girl she was hooking up with.

"You didn't say you had a girlfriend!"

"Well, actually, unless you want to be her girlfriend, she no longer has a girlfriend." You said as you looked between the two of them. "She's available now."

That made Jennie loft her head quickly.

"What?" She asked.

"You don't actually think I'm dumb enough to stick around after I catch you hooking up in our bed with some stranger, do you? Because that would make you even more pathetic, Jennie!" You shouted.

"Yeah, no, I'm out of here." The girl said as she rushed out of the bedroom with the blanket wrapped around her, dropping it onto the floor after she pulled on her dress before running out of the house.

You stared at Jennie as awkward and tense silence hit the air.

She had so much to say but she didn't know where to start.

You did, though.

"Do I dare ask how long this has been happening? Is this some random girl? Is this the first time you've hooked up with her?"

She looked away from you and wordlessly shook her head.

"Wow," You scoffed. "I can't believe this."

"Will you let me explain?" She quietly asked as you entered the room to pack a bag or two.

"Explain?" You chuckled in disbelief. "Explain what, Jennie? That you're a cheater?"

"No. I want to explain to you that I never, not even for a second, felt anything for her. I love you."

You swallowed the lump in your throat before a shaky breath fell from your lips.

It hurt.

Your heart ached inexpressibly.

You never imagined that you'd see a day where you'd want to walk away from Jennie, who you once named the love of your life, the woman that you'd grow old with, and the one that you'd someday start a family with.

That hurt you so deeply to think about.

Because all of those dreams you once had was gone now that you knew you'd never be able to trust her again.

"Love me? That's how you show me how much you love me?" You asked as you zipped up your duffle bag and threw it on your shoulder. "Cheat on me? You love me so much that you hook up with another woman in the bed that we once shared? If that's what you're saying, you've got a pretty messed up view on love, Jennie."

You started to make your way out of the bedroom and with every step that you took, she followed.

"She meant nothing to you yet you bring her into our house, get so impatient about hooking up with her that you take off her dress before you even reach the bedroom, and you sleep with her in the bed we once slept in together. That's how much you love me. Got it."

"That's not what I'm saying. Y/N, please, listen to me!" She begged.

But her pleas meant nothing to you.

"No, Jennie! I don't want to listen! You're just going to lie!" You shouted as you turned around. "I loved you so much. I gave you everything. I was here for you when no one else was and this is what you do to me! You love me so much that you break my heart and the trust that we once had?"

"I can make it better." She sniffled.

"No, you can't, Jennie! Not ever!"

She was sobbing as she tried to take your hand into hers, only for you to push it away.

"I will get on my knees and beg you for forgiveness if that's what it takes."

"It won't be enough." You said. "Because I can't trust you anymore. You cheated on me and you can't change it or fix it. No amount of crying or begging or apologizing will make this better. Why don't you go find someone else? Sleep with them. Maybe you'll feel better then."

You rushed out of the house and out to your car, driving away before Jennie even got the chance to come over and get in and beg you to hear her out.

She watched you drive away in tears, knowing that she'd officially lost the best thing that had ever happened to her.

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