you're cold

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"I've been so excited to see this movie with you!" Jennie squealed happily as she fell beside you on the couch. You both jumped a little when you heard a loud crash of thunder hit but giggled soon after. A rainy day gave you the perfect excuse to stay inside on your first of many days to spend together.

"I'm excited to see it,"

Your words seemed to make her smile grow and become a little brighter. She couldn't wait even another minute to turn it on! Excited, she quickly hit the play button and fell back against the sofa. She was cozy and warm in her fluffy pajamas and sweatshirt.

But you were beginning to feel a little cold. Probably because Jennie had left one of the windows open a bit to allow some air to come inside. It wasn't warm out in even the slightest, but it wasn't freezing either. But since it was storming, there was a strong wind and the air was a little cold now that the seasons had changed.

Not wanting to worry Jennie or take a chance on her having to pause the movie when you know she's so excited to see it, you decided you'd just try to warm yourself up by rubbing your arms.

This only caused you to shiver, especially when the wind started to blow again.

Jennie looked over at you, just curious to see if you were enjoying the movie as much as she was. But she frowned when she saw you shivering.

"You cold, baby? Why didn't you tell me? I would've closed the window for you."

She jumped up and quickly closed the window in hopes that it'd warm you up right away.

But you didn't seem to be any warmer.

She had an idea though, one that she really hoped would work.

Sitting back against the sofa, she patted the spot beside her.

"I don't know what you're doing all the way over there anyway." She laughed as you moved closer and closer to her till there was no space left between you.

You were about to lay your head on her shoulder when she shook her head.

"Come here," she pulled you onto her lap and when you were between her legs she put her arms around you. Your back was against her chest and with her arms wrapped around your stomach, you found yourself much cozier than before.

"Is that better, darling?" She wondered as she put her cheek on your shoulder and laid a few kisses to your neck.


She wasn't convinced fully, though. So while you laid your head back against her shoulder and focused on the movie, she took the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over you. She made sure it was draped up to your shoulders before sitting back.

"Thank you, baby. I'm much warmer now." You mumbled and your skin started to tingle as her warm thumb began to brush along your bare stomach in circles.

"So am I," she whispered and had you crane your neck a little so she could kiss your lips a few times. "Warm, cozy, and happier than I've been in a little while." She confessed as she pulled away and laid her head against yours.

You were sure she could tell you felt the same way judging by the rapid beat of your heart and the giggles that occasionally left your lips when her fingers brushed along your skin and butterflies filled your chest.

But you never miss a chance to remind her of just how happy she makes you.

"Me too, my love." You mumbled and let out a contented sigh, wishing that you could stay in this moment with her forever.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now