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It's been a week since everything that happened with Darius. We've actually been doing pretty good. He's been taking me out, buying me food, doing cute little romantic things for me. I never expected any of this from him.

He's always been so nonchalant and just acts like he doesn't give a fuck when it comes to relationships. But I guess with me it's different.

Me and Kayla still aren't talking. I don't know what's going on with her. She just distanced herself out of nowhere. I've tried calling but she doesn't answer.

Marcus kept calling me after everything went down with me and Darius. I just ignored every time. I don't know how to face him. I don't know how to tell him I don't want a relationship. I do care for Marcus but I love Darius. He eventually stopped trying but he still texts me randomly hoping for a response.

I've been thinking about telling him to come over so that I can explain myself. I don't want to break his heart over the phone and I don't want him to hate me. We need closure because I shouldn't be leaving him hanging like this.

But before I do that I need to ask Darius if it's okay.

Now I know I don't NEED to ask him for permission but I know that if I don't he's gonna get mad. I mean I do understand though. Your girl having another guy in her house without telling you. That's fucked up.

He's coming over in a few so I'm going to ask him then. Let's just pray he doesn't get mad.

SHORT yes I know. I just needed a filler and an explanation for what's about to happen next !!


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