9. 🍯

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Darius climbed on top of me and kissed me.

This wasn't our normal kiss though. You could really feel the passion.

He stuck his tongue in my mouth and swirled it around.

When he broke the kiss I couldn't help but moan. This man really doing something to me.

He started to kiss on my neck. Sucking and most definitely leaving hickies. He was marking me so everyone knew I was his.

He brought his tongue all the way up to my ear biting it. I moaned so loud when he did that.

I could feel him smiling when he came back down to my neck.

He knows he found a new spot. I didn't even know I liked that.

He kissed on my chest and sucked on my titties. Whole time I'm just laying here moaning like crazy.

He brought my legs up and put them on his shoulders.

I could feel his dick. It was sitting right on my pussy.

My clit started to throb. I wanted him so bad.

"Relax mamas you'll get it soon." He whispered in my ear.

I knew he could feel my kitty throbbing for him.

He made his way down my body and to my belly button.

He went further and placed small kisses on my thighs.

He grabbed my legs making sure I couldn't get out of his grasp.

He was face to face with my fat wet pussy lips.

He smiled and then looked up making my eyes meet his.

He slowly licked my kitty starting at my hole and ending at my clit. Keeping eye contact with me.

I threw my head back and moaned out loud.

I missed that so much.

He stared to slowly suck and slurp on my clit.

He pulled on my clit with his teeth.

It hurt but it felt so fucking good.

I moaned his name and screamed for more.

"Daddy please keep going!" I moaned out.

He sucked on my clit and kept it in his mouth. He then started to shake his head back and forth causing me to scream.

"Daddy I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" I yelled.

He was shaking his head when suddenly my pussy started to squirt.

I was squirting everywhere.

All over the sheets.

After I came down from my high I looked down to see Darius looking up at me smiling.

"That's my babygirl. Now you better not run."


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