7. 🍯

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About a month has gone by and things with Marcus have been great.

He treats me like a princess. He's so sweet.

We've been hanging out a lot. I spent a majority of break with him.

I haven't heard a word from Darius so I guess me and him are done. I'm not really complaining though. He was toxic as fuck.

Only thing is I've been pretty horny lately. I don't even know why.

Marcus hasn't really brought up anything about sex. He had mentioned he didn't want to rush into anything and I get it but still. I NEED SOMETHING.

It was about 2 o'clock in the morning and I was really feeling it tonight.

I tried to take a shower. That didn't work.

Now I'm just trying to go to sleep and that shit ain't working either.

Maybe I should text Marcus.


Hey baby. Why you still up?

I should be asking you the same.

You horny? 😏

What? How the fuck did he know??

How'd you know?

Cuz maybe I am too....

Fuck yes!!!! Finna get some dickkkkk!
You tryna slide thru??
Nobody's home.

Damn I want too but I can't. I can't sneak

Ight it's cool.

I just know he fucking lying.

Lani baby don't be like that.
I would if I could mamas.

It's cool fr.

At this point I was mad and HORNY. I needed something. Anything.


Who the fuck is this?

I answered the call.

When it connected I was met with Darius's ugly ass face.

I immediately hung up. Hell nah. Fucking bitch. How did he even get my number???

He called back and I let it ring before I finally answered.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said angrily. This nigga hasn't had any contact with me and now when I'm most vulnerable he wanna call.

"Yo you needa chill with this fuckin attitude. I won't hesitate to fuck the shit outta you mamas. Don't play wimme!" He said looking in my eyes.

Fuck if he was right here the things I'd let him do to me.

Wait I can't do that. Fuck I'm with Marcus.

"You ain't goin do shit. So don't get buck nigga." I said being bold.

"Ight bet." He said.

Then he hung up.

This nigga is really crazy. I guess I just need to please myself since no one else will.

I removed the clothes I still had on and moved the covers off of me.

I laid flat on my back and spread my legs.

I started playing with my clit causing me to moan.

It felt so good. I mean not as good as if it was someone else but still good. Really good.

I started rubbing it up and down bring my fingers up to my mouth tasting myself.

Damn now I see why Darius loves to eat it.


He's the reason I'm like this.

He gave me my first experience now it's all I want.

My moans got even louder as I started rubbing my clit faster and faster.

"Mmmm fuck Darius." I said imagining him eating me out.

I can't stop thinking about him.

My legs started to shake and my orgasm hit.

"OH FUCK FUCK DARIUS FUCK ME DADDY." I said out loud moaning.

My body came down from its high and I just laid there tired with my hand still on my pussy.

I began to close my eyes. I was really tired.

"Damn so I guess you always thinking of me huh?"

My eyes shot open.

"Just like I'm always thinking about you."

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