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"YURR WHAT THE FUCK GOIN ON." Darius shouts as he walks into my house.

Unannounced I may add. I guess that's just his thing. Walking into my house without any context.

I was sitting on my couch just scrolling through my phone.

"Hey baby I missed you." Dee says as he gives me a kiss on my cheek. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

"You just saw me yesterday dumbass." I say playfully.

"Okay AND I wanna see my baby everyday. I missed out on too much with you. I wanna get that time back."

He grabs my face and gives me a passionate kiss.

He pulls away and grabs the remote.

"Damn do you live here or sum? Cuz you eat all my food and run up the electric bill." I say with an attitude.

"Wherever you are is wherever the fuck I be. You can bet on that shawty." He says with a big smile.

I can't help but smile too. I really do love this motherfucker. He makes me so happy even after all the bullshit.

I really do think he's changed. I think we can make this work.

"Hey so umm I have something to ask you." I say nervously. I don't want him to make a big deal out of nothing. We're doing so good and I don't wanna fuck this up.

"Go ahead mama." He says looking at me.

"Well I wanna talk to Marcus." I say breaking eye contact.

The room goes dead silent. The only thing I could hear was the TV and the sound of my heart beating.

"You wanna what?" Darius says calmly.

Now when this nigga is calm that's how you know he's mad. You just know.

"I feel bad for the way I just up and left him. He's been calling and texting and I just wanna give him an explanation as to why I don't want to be with him." I said looking up at Dee.

He didn't really have an expression on his face. I couldn't read his emotions.

"Marcus was very kind to me. And I just want to let him know that I appreciated everything. But I'm going to make it clear that I love you. Not him. I'm just asking if it's okay that he comes over here." I say finally building up the courage to speak. This nigga ain't even that scary.

Let me shut the fuck up.

Darius just looked at me with a blank expression. I guess he was thinking.

"That's cool I guess." Dee says.

That's it? That's all he has to say?

"Umm are you mad?" I say playing with my fingers.

"No baby why would I be mad? I get what you're trying to do. You just wanna be a good person and I respect that mama. You've always had a good soul." He says smiling.

He really has changed. In the past he would've gotten upset with me but lately he's been different.

"Okay good he should be here in a few". I say getting up from the couch.

"Fasho I'm finna hop in the shower after I get out we can go get sum to eat".

UGHH he just knows the way to my heart! :)

"Yes baby I can't wait!"

Darius goes into the bathroom and I start picking things up around the living room.

After some time I hear the doorbell ring. It's Marcus.

Okay Alani you got this.

I take a deep breath and gather myself before opening the door.

"Hey beautiful." Marcus says with a big smile.

"Hi Marcus." I say.
"Come in."

He enters the house and we make our way to the couch.

The energy feels a bit weird. I don't feel comfortable with him anymore. Not like I used to.

"Okay so i'm just gonna get straight to the point. Marcus I don't want to be with you. I want to be with Dee. I care for you but I don't love you like how I love him." I say twiddling my fingers.

Ugh I feel so bad.

He just stared at me with no expression on his face.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me and I appreciate you being there but I don't want a relationship with you." I say.

"I understand. Thank you for telling me." he says with a sad expression on his face.

"We can still be friend of course." I say hoping he would take my offer.

"I don't know if I can do that." Marcus says standing up from the couch.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"I can't just be your friend. But if that's what you want then i'll stay away." He says walking away.

He was about to walk out the front when I stopped him.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him
towards me.

I don't know what came over me but I just felt this urge to be close to him.

I pulled him into me and wrapped my arms around him.

My head rested on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and tangled his fingers through my hair.

I love when he does that.

"I'm so sorry Marcus. I never meant to hurt you." I spoke into his shirt.

"It's okay I won't stop fighting for you." Marcus said pulling away.

"I have to go there's somewhere I need to be." He said while opening the door.

"Bye Marcus be safe." I said feeling guilty.

Why do I feel so bad ? I want to be with Dee. Dee is the one I love.

"Bye Ala." he says.

I like when he calls me that.

He closes the door and I just stand there in shock.

I don't understand what i'm feeling right now.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dee coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey mama you ready to go?"

I snap out of my daze and put a smile on my face.

"Yes let me grab my things."


I'm not the best writer and i'm dealing with some personal things. I want to keep this story going for you guys so i'm gonna try to start updating again.

If you have any suggestions for this story please comment them here.

Again VERY SORRY for the inconvenience.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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